It Felt Like Home

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(Hi! Welcome back- I've missed you all so much. I recommend rereading the previous chapter since it's been a hot minute since I uploaded. Hope you enjoy it!) 

A soft hum of music drifted through the air around you. Your mouth widened slightly as you stifled back a yawn of exhaustion.

Short moments passed before you found yourself bobbing your head along with the gentle beats that sounded in the room. The space was otherwise quiet as you sat up on a stool near a workbench in the back room of the medbay. The only other noise was coming from the sheet of paper as you scratched down the overflow of thoughts that were tumbling through your mind.

Your head was working on overtime as you tried to comprehend all that had happened.

The small sheet in front of you looked completely unorganized and now that you were examining it closer, you realized it really didn't make much sense. Scrunching up your face, you stuck the pencil in your mouth as you frowned over the notes you'd written down. It mostly involved trying to understand the timeline of what had happened and why Kylo had woken up the way he had last night. His terror had kept your mind working at a million parsecs per minute and you were desperate to find out why it was bothering him so much.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, you dropped the pencil and slouched over until your elbows were resting on the counter. Cupping your face with your hands, you read over the sheet in front of you trying yet again to make sense of it, but your brain was too frazzled at the moment.

By the time the ship had landed earlier today, it had only been the midday. Kylo was still a little shaken up from the nightmare he had while the two of you were taking a nap. And even though he was acting like nothing had happened, you knew he was hiding something. He had insisted that he was fine and urged you to go check in with Elliot in the medbay. You had argued back and told him that you wanted to stay with him for the rest of the day to make sure he was okay, but he practically ran away from you once the two of you made it out of the ship. 

The other shuttles landed at about the same time yours had and troopers were walking around everywhere. To avoid the sea of them as you got off, you sighed and gave in to his request as you headed to your quarters to get some scrubs. Elliot probably didn't actually need your help, but it was better than sitting alone with your endless speculations. 

When you dragged your sleep-deprived body into the bay, you were surprised at how quiet it was. Although, when you thought about it more, it made sense because most of the injured troops had already gotten the medical attention they needed on the shuttle ride back. It seemed like there weren't any Generals that needed assistance either.

So, you decided to put yourself on cleaning duty so you could spiral in peace and not have to have conversations with anyone.

Elliot was quietly plugging away at his computer and he had given you a strained smile as you walked past his desk. Ignoring his weird attitude, you walked into the supplies closet and grabbed out the disinfectant and buckets before going into the surgery rooms to start wiping things down.

There were only medical droids in the rooms doing the same thing you were, so it was calming. But it also allowed for your mind to wander.

You wished that Kylo wanted to talk about what had happened. But he shut you out almost immediately after his little episode had ended.  Your attempt to persuade him otherwise fell on deaf ears as he urged to you that he was fine and didn't want to talk about it. The two of you just stayed curled up with one another under the sheets instead until the ship was close to landing.

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