Always So Needy for Me

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Holding your datapad tightly to your chest, you scurried through the hallway behind Kylo's large billowing cape. The floor you were walking through was nearly empty as all of the important Generals were gone preparing for the announcement. It was eerily quiet except for the loud stomps of Kylo's boots and your nervous steps behind him.

He had more or less told you that you'd be leaving the base instead of asking you. It's not like you didn't want to leave with him; actually, you were excited to leave. You hadn't left the base in what seemed like forever and you were ready to be off of this freezing hell of a place. Unsure what being on the Finalizer would entail, but worried that if you said something, he would change his mind; you had shut your mouth and followed him through the hallway.

The two of you finally entered the landing bay where the Command Shuttle was. There were swoops of cold air that made you instantly shiver as you tried to keep up with Kylo's long strides. He seemed to be set on leaving as soon as possible. You followed him down a long wide ramp towards his ship. There were a few engineers working furiously surrounding the ship preparing it for liftoff. As you got closer and closer to the ship, you realized that you had nothing to wear other than what you currently had on. You opened your mouth to speak about it, but Kylo cut you off.

"They have clothes on the Finalizer, Red," he said sternly as he began walking onto the ship.

You blushed as you walked up the ramp behind him. It was dark inside, and you found a seat towards the back of the ship. Knowing he wanted to leave quickly, you said nothing as you sat down and buckled yourself in. He seemed to be in a bad mood, and you didn't want to push his buttons more.

It had been a long time since you had been on a ship, but you knew that sitting down would probably be the best option right now. You didn't want to hurl over the floor by getting motion sickness. Closing your eyes, you tried to even out your breathing and calm yourself down.

"Commander Ren, your ship should be ready to go-" one of the engineers began, and Kylo cut them off with a wave of his hand.

They bowed to him quickly and ran off of the ship. As they did, the ramp of the ship began to rise up enclosing you and him in it. Even more darkness settled over the ship with only a dim light showing throughout. Kylo sat in the cockpit and began pressing buttons and levers. You felt the engine rumble to life, and you shut your eyes in anticipation of takeoff. Another rumble, and the ship began moving forward. Within minutes you were off of the ground and leaving the bay. With your eyes still glued shut, you grabbed the seat you were sitting on and held on to it for dear life. Once you were out in the air and out of the bay, the ship stopped rumbling as much, and started gliding through the air effortlessly.

You relaxed and felt your shoulders lower as you took a deep breath. Opening your eyes, you saw Kylo still sitting in the cockpit, not looking at you. You reached for your datapad and saw the notifications regarding the announcement. One message detailed where you needed to check-in and another was about signing off with a supervisor confirming you were present to hear General Hux's message.

Groaning, you set your datapad down, worried about not fulfilling your duties. You really didn't want to get in trouble for not going.

Hearing the rustling of fabric and boots coming towards you, you lifted your head and saw him standing in front of you. Against the background of the ship, he looked so much more intense and terrifying. It made him look powerful and it also made your mouth water.

"I'm your supervisor, I can sign off for you," he said in a bored tone as he stopped mere feet in front of you.

"Thank you, Commander-"

Red Desire | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now