Some Pretty Girl

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You scrunched up your face and squinted your eyes trying to focus on who was in the door frame. The small figure cast a long shadow into the room and you instantly took in a deep breath of relief realizing who it was. A fuming Kori stood there with her hands on her hips staring at both you and Max still lying in bed. You hadn't seen her this upset and angry in a while and shrunk back into the bed against Max.

"Are you kidding me?" she said loudly as she rushed over to the bed and flew herself on top of you.

You grabbed her in a complete surprise as she clung to your body tightly. You exchanged a very confused look with Max as he shrugged his shoulders not knowing what was going on either. Your arms lightly held her to you as you sat there still in complete confusion.


"Where have you been?" she asked in a harsh tone while releasing her grip on you and looking at you with watery eyes.

"What do you mean? I've been in Max's room..."

"Yeah no shit, I knew you were in here because you weren't in your room," she said quickly with frustration. "I mean- where have you been for the last week? I've been worried sick!"

"I've been on the Finalizer," you said slowly, "Didn't you know that?"

"No! No one told me anything!" she said holding onto you again.

"Well, I'm fine," you said with slight annoyance trying to get her to look at you.

"I missed you, I felt so terrible about everything that happened..."

You didn't know how to respond, so you sat there waiting to see what else she had to say.

"I got so upset with you at my party," she said knitting her brows together. "I know Damon can be... a handful," her voice trailed off looking away from you. "And I was purposely saying shit that I knew would make you more upset..."

Was she manipulating you to feel bad for her? Or was this genuine concern? Coming from her- you really didn't know.

Kori had always been so good at twisting your thoughts and feelings about everything for as long as you could remember. She knew exactly how to hurt you and always ended up playing the victim in situations. When she couldn't use her older age to control you anymore, she started using her words to fight. You always ended up forgiving her until one day you started arguing back- it wasn't a healthy way to deal with each other by any means.

Unsure of what her goal was right now, you sat there in thought. Finally, you decided to be the bigger person about it all and suck up your pride. You felt a surge of empathy for her and you looked at her face that was pouting back at yours. Knowing you wanted to actually mend your rocky relationship with her, you grabbed her hands and forced yourself to make a genuine smile towards her.

"It's okay Kori-"

"No, it's not okay. I shouldn't treat you that way," she said looking at you intently. "I'm your big sister and I should look out for you; not tear you down," she said hanging her head. "I-I-I," she began, and then swallowing a gulp of air, "I'm sorry."

Max exchanged a surprised look with you as you both looked back at Kori. She never ever said sorry; even when she was way out of line. This was definitely a first.

Without hesitation, you said, "I forgive you," while rubbing her upper arm reassuringly. "For everything."

"I do too, if that counts for anything," said Max with a laugh joining in for a group hug.

Kori lightly pushed his shoulder back and fell into your arms. You hugged her back- actually truly hugged her, for the first time in a long time. You inhaled her sweet clean scent and it was comforting. Her crisp uniform crunched under your grip. The hug felt nice and you truly thought that things were finally going to change between the two of you.

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