Stop Being So Naïve

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You woke up still curled into Max's body as his arm was wrapped around you protectively. You smiled into his bare and warm chest. For the first time in a long time, you had woken up in a cozy bed- and it was nice.

You instantly felt pain in your head as you tried to sit up. Trying not to wake up Max, you looked around the room. You squinted and saw something red on sitting on your dresser. Crawling over Max's quiet snoozing body, you climbed gently out of bed.

Your feet touched the ground silently and you crept over to the dresser. You opened your mouth in shock. There, sitting with a note on top, was the red book you had begun reading yesterday. You ran your hand over the imprinted rose on the book cover and blushed. You reached for the note and in loopy writing, it read:




You couldn't help but smile as you set the note down.

Had he really written you a note? Not just a note- a handwritten one.

What did this mean? Was this supposed to be an apology from him? It wasn't exactly the sorry you had wanted, but it was something.

You grabbed your datapad and squinted painfully as you looked at the bright screen. You had a message saying your shift had been covered. Sighing in relief, you set the screen down and you walked over to the bed crawling back over Max. Cuddling into him again, you huffed out a heavy breath of relief.


Does that mean the Commander had been in your room? And had seen you cuddled up with Max?

No wonder he thought you had a boyfriend.

Feeling your cheeks burn, you shoved your face into him and eventually fell back asleep.

After Max had left, you had taken the day to lay in bed and continued to read the book from where you left off. It was a fairytale story and it was a nice escape from your dark and cold reality.

You wished you could live in the fake fantasy world in the book. That'd be nice.

After a couple of days, the throb in your head felt better and you went back to work as normal. You hid the large bruise that had formed on your neck with a thermal turtleneck. Deciding you didn't want any additional attention; you didn't wear your new scrubs. They were such a stark difference from the normal grey ones, you knew someone would notice.

Kori and Damon continued to nag you about switching to the second shift so you would be working with them, and you finally caved. Max switched with you since you two couldn't stand to be apart from each other.

Max hadn't mentioned the incident since it happened even though you knew he probably had questions about it. You had told him that you were just embarrassed by it all and wanted to forget it.

Which technically wasn't a lie- it just wasn't the full truth.

There were rumors going around the base that now the First Order wanted to start using 'the weapon'. You weren't entirely sure what that meant, but it made you feel on edge constantly. Everyone else seemed to be on edge too- and gave you a bad feeling.

On the day of your shift change, you had planned to eat dinner with Kori and Damon. You were dragging Max along because you didn't want to third wheel the whole night. Kori wanted to play games and you didn't try to fight her on it- you knew she would win.

Shift exchange days were weird because you never knew what to wear. You were so used to only wearing scrubs, pjs, or workout clothes, and you really didn't own anything else.

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