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Lisa Pov

It is Monday morning and I am now heading inside the school

I was walking along the hallway when a pair of cat eyes and chubby cheeks caught my sight

I then secretly go behind her and scare her

I was about to scare her when she suddenly spoke

Don't even try you idiot

She said not looking at me making me frown

How did you know?

I ask

I can sense you miles away from me

Jennie said making me look at her

Awww you can sense me from miles away that's cute Mandu

I said while pinching her cheeks

Stop it!

Jennie said slapping my hands away

Hey guys!

We heard a voice call us we look where it came from and it's from our friends Jisoo and Chaeyoung

Hey unnies!

I said cheerfully


Jennie plainly said

What's wrong Jennie? You look like you're in a bad mood

Chaeng ask

Who will be if the first person you will see is that idiot?

Jennie ask pointing at me

Awwwwww I'm the first person you see in the morning? That's so cute

I said in a teasing voice

You see what I mean?

Jennie said annoyed

Not gonna lie it's kinda cute

Jisoo said making me high 5 her

Uhhggg you two really

Jennie said rolling her eyes

Let's go to class now

Chaeng said and we nodded

Me and Jisoo have different classes with Jennie and Chaeng but our classroom were right next to each other

Don't miss me too much alright Mandu?

I said to Jennie while winking at her

Don't worry I won't

Jennie said rolling her eyes

Making me chuckle and we go to inside our classroom

You really love to annoy her don't you?

Jisoo said

Yup! It's fun!

I said to her

I still couldn't believe that you're not scared of her people are terrified to be even near her and here you are annoying her

Jisoo said

What can I say?

I said cockily making her shake her head while chuckling at me

Jennie Pov

I sat down on my seat which is beside the window

Finally I'm away with that idiot

I said to Chaeng who is my seatmate

Who Lisa?

Chaeng ask

Who else is the idiot in our group?

I said rolling my eyes

Your cousin

Chaeng said pertaining to Jisoo

Ohhh yeah those idiots make me lose so many brain cells just by being around them

I said with a annoyance tone

Chaeyoung just laughed at me

Skipped Time....

Nobody Pov

Lisa and Jisoo are now outside their room and they are now waiting for Chaeng and Jennie to come out

As soon as Chaeng and Jennie come out of the classroom Lisa teased Jennie

Hey Mandu miss me already?

Lisa ask while pinching Jennie's cheeks making  Jennie punch Lisa's stomach

Making Lisa winced in pain

Yahh you Mandu!

Lisa yelled while helding her stomach

Jennie just stuck her tounge out at Lisa and before running away

Come back here you MANDU!

Lisa yelled chasing after Jennie

So how long do you think they will take to realize that they are in love with each other?

Jisoo ask Chaeng

Hopefully not too long

Chaeng answered

Skipped time

They are now in the rooftop where they usually hang out and eat

Yahh Mandu you still haven't say sorry to me

Lisa said whining

Why would I?

Jennie asked cockily as she continued to eat her fishcake

You literally punch me without a reason!

Lisa said glaring at Jennie

You pinch my cheeks!

Jennie said back

Because they're cute!

Lisa said back making Jennie stop and look away from Lisa and just continue to eat

While Chaeng and Jisoo just eyed each other

As Jennie is taking a bite of her fish cake Lisa took a bite of Jennie's fishcake making Jennie's eyes widen

When Lisa pulled away chewing the fishcake in her mouth Jennie glared at her

It taste good!

Lisa said doing a 'okay' sighn with her hand


Jennie yelled while trying to straddle Lisa But Lisa is too fast and she goes behind Chaeng

Calm down it's just a little bite!

Lisa said

You're so dead!

Jennie said going around Chaeyoung chasing Lisa

Hope you guys like it!

[published on 5/14/20]

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