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Third Person View

A few days have gone by since the incident had happened and Lisa still hasn't woken up yet

Jennie and Lisa's friends often visit Lisa if they have extra time cause they are having their last exam and they are busy preparing for their graduation

But they still try to make time to visit Lisa

Jongin is slowly moving on from Jennie and they remain as close friends and of course Jongin and Jisoo became friends again along with Sehun

Jackson and Irene on the other hand grew more closer as Jackson tries to comfort Irene

Jennie and Irene also became friends after that incident

Irene said sorry to Jennie and Jennie being a forgiving person that she is she forgave her and after that Irene, Jennie and Chaeng became good friends close friends actually

It's now a Saturday which means they are now visiting Lisa

Finally! It only took you like 30 minutes!

Jisoo said groaning

They've been waiting for Jennie, Irene, and Chaeyoung for hours cause they still haven't done their make up yet

Oh so you're complaining?!

Chaeng said glaring at Jisoo

N-No I'm not babe hehe do you still need time it's okay for me

Jisoo said chuckling nervously


Jackson whispered

Says the guy who is head over heels for Irene

Jisoo said rolling her eyes

Jackson and Irene look at each other and look away at the same time blushing

Can we now go? We still need visit Lisa

Sehun said and they all nodded and went to the hospital

Jennie was the one who open the room door and what they saw is a sleeping Lisa

Jennie smiled and went over to her loving girlfriend and the other followed

Hey Lis we're here again

Jennie said while holding Lisa's hand

We miss you so much

Jisoo said as she put her arms around Chaeng

Wake up already so I can scold you for always being absent

Jackson said jokingly that made all of them chuckle

We still have to make up for our friendship

Sehun said to Lisa

You know I hate you right?

Jongin said making everyone look at him

Wake up now, so I can kick your ass for all the trouble that you put us through.

Jongin added

And also.... I don't want my friend to die.... I can't....

Jongin finished what he was saying with full of emotion

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