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Jongin Pov

I stood up from my seat and fix my uniform

I didn't know you that you hated Jennie so much

Someone said behind me

I looked to see who it was and it's Irene

I don't

I said to her sternly


She said smirking

Believe me when I say it

I said coldly to her before walking away

Yah Jongin wait up!

I heard a familiar voice called me

And it's Sehun

Yah what you did at the canteen was so savage!

Sehun said to me

I just want Lisa to know that Jennie's mine and I can do whatever I want to her

I said with a low voice

Sehun didn't reply and just nodded

Lisa Pov

I am now at the rooftop with Jennie who is a mess by the way and she is facing her back to me crying

Did... Did he hurt you?

I asked and she shakes her head no

What did he do?

I asked calmly


She said with her voice cracking

Look at me

I said but she didn't do anything I took a step closer to her

Don't come near

She said but I grab her arm and turn her around to face me
And I can see the tears in her eyes

Why am I being treated like this? Am I a bad person? I know that I'm cold and bitchy but do I really deserve this?!

Jennie said crying while I just hug her

This hurt me too much I can't stand her crying it breaks me

Maybe I should just transfer

Jennie said making my eyes widen I then pulled out from the hug and face her

You're not

I said with a low tone

I'm tired of this! I'm scared of Jongin can do to me! I'm scared that no one will protect me! I'm scared off-----

I didn't let her finish when I smack my lips onto her

I saw her eyes widen and body stiffens but I pressed my lips harder  as I wrapped my arms around her waist

Jennie then gave in to the kiss and kiss me back I lick her lower lip for an entrance which she gave

Both tounges are now fighting for dominance but I win

We both pulled out from the kiss both gasping for air I then cupped her cheeks and look at her hypnotizing brown orbs

You are not transferring okay? I'm here to protect you

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now