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Lisa Pov

I am now walking through the hallway when I came across Jackson

Ahh there you are I've been looking for you

Jackson said


I asked him

Come with me first

Jackson said and I followed him we then went to the clinic

He sat me down at one of the chair and he grabbed the first aid kit and start treating my bruises on my fists

Awww Jackson Oppa is so sweet

I said with a cute voice trying to tease him and he looked at me with disgust

Ewww stop that voice its cringey

Jackson said making me chuckle

Anyways what do you want from me?

I asked him

What happened earlier? I know you and Jongin faught

Jackson said

Ahh it's to trouble some to tell everything

I said to him

Can you control your anger next time? Look what happened you broke the door of the broadcasting room

Jackson said

Yah the school will handle the door of the broadcasting room

I said as he finish treating my wounds

Anyway is it true that you broke off your engagement with Irene?

He asked


I reply shortly

Okay I'll go now I still have many things to do like do a report about how reckless you and Jongin are

Jackson said before walking away


I yelled and he just chuckled at me and walked away

This guy really....

I said while shaking my head

Skipped Time

Irene Pov

I just came home from school and I immediately go to my room

I change my clothes into something comfortable once I'm done changing my phone vibrates

I check to see what it was and it's the news about me and Lisa

I just sigh at the news and just decide to do my homework

I was doing my homework in peace when my door busted open I look to see who it was and it's my Dad

Irene Kim!

He called me and base from the tone of his voice he is mad


I asked him lazily

Lisa's Dad called me and said that he wanted to broke of the engagement and you agreed to it is it true?!

My father asked angrily


I answered him plainly

Are you fucking dumb Irene?!

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now