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Lisa​ Pov

I am now resting my head on Jennie's shoulder I took a glimpse on the rearview mirror and I saw her holding her smile

I then chuckled on my mind and remained in this position until we reached school

Mam, we're here

I heard my driver said

I then slowly open my eyes and I sat properly

I then went out of the car and Jennie went out on the other side of the car

Jennie is now walking inside the school as I follow behind her my eyes are glued on Jennie's hair

Jennie always wore a ponytail ever since she transferred here I wonder what would Jennie look like with her hair down

Guess I have to know my self

I then walk closer to her and pull her hair tie down making her hair down

Jennie then looked back at me surprisingly while I......

I'm a lost for words

She looks like a different person with her hair down the way her hair naturally curled up and how smooth it looks complements her feline eyes and face shape

Y-Yah! Give it back!

She said trying to grab her hair tie back but I put it in my pocket

Keep your hair down I like it

I said to her genuinely while smiling at her

I then saw her blush a little but tried to remain a cold aura I then tried to lighten up the mood by purposely messing her hair

Especially when your hair is like this..... Yes so pretty

I said while ruffling her hair and used it to cover her face

She just slapped my hands away and fix her hair

Ghad she looks so beautiful

She then looked at me with a deadly glare

Give it back

She said opening her hand I looked at It then I looked at her who is raising her right eyebrow at me

An Ideas then suddenly popped up in my mind I then grab her hand and intertwine it with mines

What do you think you're doing?!

Jennie said the loudly good thing we're the only one that is here in school

Relax Mandu

I said tightening the grip of my hand on hers

Someone might see us

Jennie said worriedly

We're the first one here

I said to her

How can you be so sure?

She asked me

Nobody comes to school at 6:20 am beside you

I said to her she just remained silent and we go to our locker with our hands intertwined

I love this feeling


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[5/28/20] at [8:19 am]

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