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Jongin Pov

I didn't finish my lunch and just go to the campus just to walk around while I was walking at the bleachers I suddenly lookup

I then saw Jennie and Lisa staring at each other softly I don't know why but I felt a pang in my heart

I just stared at the two when I heard someone call me

What are you doing here?

I turned around and I saw Irene

I'm watching a love story can't you see

I said to her while staring at Jennie and Lisa she then looks at where I'm staring

I'm going now

I said to Irene as I walked away

Jennie Pov

I and Lisa​ are now staring at each other no one dares to say anything

I am still shocked at what she just said and confuse what does she mean she has me

Our staring contest was cut off by my phone buzzing

C H A E Y O U N G 💙🖤


You're gonna be late!

You are so DEAD


I then checked the time and I'm 5 minutes late

Oh shit!

Is all that I could say before bolting out of the rooftop and I rushed to go to my classroom

I then peek through the window and I see that everyone is sitting in class

I then open the door and went inside the classroom luckily our teacher isn't here yet

Where were you?

Chaeng ask me

At the rooftop

I said to her

What are you doing there?

She asked confuse I then remembered what she said about me

"My Dad forced me to be engaged with her because of the company. But don't worry I don't like her and feel anything for her"

"Why not?"

"Cause I have you"

I then felt my heartbeat getting faster


I heard Chaeng called me I then snapped out of it and look at her

I-I'm sorry what was that?

I asked her

Never mind......

Chaeng said sighing

Lisa​ Pov

I am now in a class with Irene yes we are classmates now but I just ignore her

I am just looking outside the window not literally paying attention to the teacher

After 2 hours of nonsense our teacher finally dismissed us we then go out of the classroom and we are met by Jennie and Chaeng who is getting out of their classroom

We are now walking together out of the school and me and Jisoo are bickering

Y-Yah, give me that!

I said to Jisoo trying to get the avocado shake

No! This is seasonal and it won't exist for another 3 months

Jisoo said back protecting her avocado shake from me

Just give it to me!

I yelled at her

I swear to God if you two won't shut up I will dump that shake on your heads!

Jennie said with a cold irritated voice

Just​ give it to me! Here I'll give you my apple juice

I said to him while offering my beverage

No way! I love avocado, avocado is much better than apple!

Jisoo said shoving me away

I hate avocado I feel like it's too mushy

Chaeng said Jisoo then heard Chaeng and she stops from walking

Y-Yeah! Avocado is so gross geez Lisa you don't have any taste at foods

Jisoo said shoving me the avocado shake making me smirk at her


I mumbled under my breath and I thing Jisoo heard it cause she glared at me I just ignored her and take a sip of my shake


Jennie growls making me look at her

Yah! What did you just say?!

I said to her

I said a bunch of children

Jennie said crossing her arms

Your height is for children!

I said back at her not thinking she didn't reply at me and look at me I then heard Jisoo whistle signaling death for me and I saw Chaeng shake her head I then gulped nervously before running away


I heard Jennie yelled chasing me but I keep on running

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