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Lisa Pov

Ahhhhhcckkk! Finally!

I said stretching my arms like I'm reaching for the sky

I finally finish all the school works of course with the help of my wonderful friends and girlfriend

You wanna go eat or something?

Jennie ask

And an idea pop up into my mind

Come with me

I said and grab her wrist and start dragging her

Where are you taking me?

She ask I didn't respond and kept on dragging her

Until we reached the rooftop

I then pulled her until we are close to the railings and I hugged her from behind

I miss this place

I said while closing my eyes and restinting my chin on her shoulder feeling the cold breeze

I'd never thought that you and I will come to this

I heard Jennie said

I then open my eyes and look at her from the side

I'd never thought an annoying person like you will like someone cold like me.

She added

But I'm glad that happened cause my world wouldn't be so much interesting as it is right now.

She said finally looking at me with a smile on her face

I then stare at her lovingly

I then grabbed her hands and intertwined it

If I didn't met you I will do my best to find you with the help of destiny

I said smiling at her

But what if destiny is isn't in our hand?

She ask and I smile

Then I'll make destiny myself I will do everything for us to be together in the end forever

I said to her and she smiled and look at the view and of course I did the same

What's your plan after this school year?

She ask

I don't have any!

I said

Why? You won't have any direction in life

Jennie said

That's the surprise of life

I said back

How about a wish?

She asked

What's with you asking all of this random questions?

I ask chuckling

Just answer it!

Jennie said pouting

I wish for everyone's happiness

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now