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After 2 days

Jennie Pov

It's now Saturday and I am hungry af I go checked the pantry to check if there is ramen and there is none

I groan in annoyance cause now I  have to buy it myself

I then put on my coat and I grabbed my wallet

I'm going to buy a snack

I said to Taehyung who is dancing to Blackpink's DDU DDU


Taehyung didn't finish what she is saying to me as she dances to the music

I just sigh and wore my shoes and I walked to the nearest convinced store

I was getting myself some ramen and I saw some rice cakes I then was about to grab the pack of frozen rice cake when someone grabs it also

I look to see who it was and it's Jongin I was shocked to see him at a place like this


He said smiling at me I then let go of the rice cake and looked at him

Ahhh this is the 3rd time that we met I'm beginning to think that it's destiny

He said smiling at me

I think it's an accident

I said to him coldly and I saw the sadness in his eyes when I say that but keep a smiley face I just shrugged it off and walked away with my ramens

Jongin Pov

I am now eating some instant noodle at a convenient store I like to eat at places like this cause Me and my Dad used to eat here back when my mom didn't cheat on him

I was drinking my soda when I heard the bell above the door make a sound indicating that there is a new customer

I looked to see who it was and it's surprisingly Jennie I don't know why but something inside me felt weird like I feel like I'm excited and shocked at the same time

I then made my way to her and I saw her grabbing the Rice cake as I  grab the rice cake as well and I saw her startled


I said smiling at her she then let go of the rice cake and looked at me

Ahhh this is the 3rd time that we met I'm beginning to think that it's destiny

I said to her grinning

I think it's an accident

She said to me coldly I will be lying if I will say that I didn't feel anything with her words I felt slightly hurt with her words

She then turns her back from me and she went to the counter and paid for her things after that she left the store

If I were Lisa will you say that it's destiny?

I whispered under my breath as I stare at her walking away

Jennie Pov

I came back from the convenient store and I walked in to see Taehyung crying

Why are you crying?

I asked him confuse

I'm listening to Blackpink's Stay and Bts Lost mashup and it's so beautiful

Taehyung said sulking I just facepalmed and sigh

Sometimes I feel like Taehyung is being posses

I mumbled as I made some ramen

Lisa Pov

I and my Dad is With Irene and his Dad at a Cafe talking about how I and Irene will act in public

I didn't bother to listen cause I'm not gonna do it anyway I don't even know why she agreed to the plan me and her barely talk to each other and know each other

I mean she is older than me by 6 years and I remember Jongin used to tease me to her when we're still friends 10 years ago

So Lisa what do you think?

Mr. Chan asked me I didn't get to answer cause my Dad interrupted us

She agrees to it

I just looked at my Dad with a disbelief look I then just rolled my eyes at him

After 5 minutes of discussing aka waste of my time, they finally decide to let us go

We bid goodbye to each other I went out first and I heard someone call my name

Lisa, can we talk?

I turned around and It's Irene I then look at her and I put my hands inside my pocket before nodding

She then walked away as I followed her me and she is now at a park underneath a large tree

So what do you wanna talk about?

I asked her while shoving my hands in my jacket's pocket

About us, the engagement act

She said to me with a blank expression

What about it?

I asked her

Can you..... Can you cooperate with it?

Irene said staring at me and I looked at her back I'm a little surprise about what she said


I said to her

Our parents need this for the company S-so I'm asking you to cooperate with it. I don't care if you don't like it just do it in front of our parents

She said to me

Why are you doing this?

I asked her

Do I have a choice?

She said to me before walking away and going inside her limo leaving me alone

I can't help to feel bad for her we both have no freedom with our parents

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