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Lisa Pov

While I was driving to my house I received a message from my brother

Jin oppa 🤘

Please come home

I'm on my way

Why did something happen?

Just come quickly

Once I received the message from my brother I then started to get worried and drove faster

Once I got home i went straight inside and I saw my sister straight up trashing the place

I saw Jin oppa trying to calm her down but she wouldn't stop

I then immediately, went towards her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me

L-Lisa unnie?

I heard Eunbee called me

Shhhh it's okay, I'm here it's okay...

I said while patting her back

Unnie h-he cheated on me

She said while burying her face on my shoulder as she let out this tiny but painful sobs that made me heart sink

I then look at Jin and I saw anger and rage in his eyes, can't blame him I am burning inside aswell

Nobody hurts our little sister

Shhhhh it's gonna be alright

I said while hugging her more tightly

It hurts Unnie

I heard her say while sobbing on my neck

I couldn't help but to feel pity for her

It's okay let's get you to sleep okay?

I said and she nodded

I then walked her to her room and I tucked her to sleep

Once that's done I took a look at her and I saw that her eyes are swollen and red from crying I then sigh and I stroke her hair

Good night princess

I whisper to her while kissing her forehead

I then close the lights and I close the door before going downstairs

After that, Jin immediately went to me

How is she?

Jin ask me worriedly

She is now sleeping she is probably tired from all of the crying and the trashing

I said while looking at the mess my sister made

I will totally kill that guy with my own damn hands

Jin said with pure anger

Does our Dad know about this?

I ask him

He is too busy with his stupid business that he had forgotten about his children

Jin said while clenching his Jaw

Oppa that's not true

I said softly

What? It's true, He doesn't care about us the only thing that he cares about is his business and money

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now