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Lisa Pov

After what happened to Chaeng and Jisoo I congratulated them

I'll go now love birds

I told them while grinning I saw how Chaeng blush while Jisoo just smiled at her

You don't want me to bring you home?

She asked me

No I'm fine besides I dont feel like being a third wheel

I told them while chuckling while they just laugh at me

I'll go now bye congrats again

I told them while waving my hands at them then they nodded

I then went home after

I was about to go upstairs to my room when Dad call me

Lisa may I have a talk?

He asked me

I'm quite tired can we talk about it tomorrow?

I said to him coldly

No  come to my office

He said sternly before he goes to his office

I mentally groan before following him

I then went Inside his office and sat at one of the chair

So I heard that you're planning to transfer next week after your exam?

He said to me while clasping his hands together


I reply shortly

May I know the reason why?

He asked

I was confused at first cause he never cares about my descision

I-It's nothing

I told him while avoiding his gaze

Lisa you can't lie to me

He said smirking

Just tell me I won't judge you

He said to me genuinely

Okay he's acting like a father to me it's weird

Did you eat some sort of poison? You're acting like a father

I told him and he raises his eyebrow

What do you mean? I am your father

He said scoffing

And don't change the topic answer me

He said back to his serious tone

Fine it's because of this girl

I told him

Why what happened?

He asked and I told him everything

And he didn't say anything and just look at me

So tell why are you transferring?

He asked and I rolled my eyes is he not listening

Because of her and I want to move on from her

I told him

Why are you moving on if you never been in a relationship with her?

He asked me and thosw words slap me In the face really hard

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now