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Lisa Pov

Why the fuck is this turtle asking me to come over all of a sudden?

This better be fucking worth or else I will kill her with my bare hands

This better be fucking worth or else I will kill her with my bare hands

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[What Lisa is wearing but with the hood down]

I then went to Jisoo's house

I press the doorbell and the door opened and I saw Jisoo standing there

And before I could even asked her why she called me over she dragged me out to her car

You know how to drive?

Jisoo asked

Bitch of course I can

I said to her proudly


She asked me

No I don't

I told her with a straight face

Bitch. Get in I'm driving

She said while going to the driver seat while I go to the shotgun seat

So why did you call me over?

I asked her while she started the car

We have a mission to do

She said making me confuse

What Mission?

I asked her

Shhh! You asked to many question

She said to me back

Wow I'm sorry I didn't know what's happening

I said to her rolling my eyes at her

Chaeyoung Pov

Im sorry I took so long

I heard Chanyeol said while bowing apologetically

No its okay

I told him while smiling

Then the waiter came to us with our orders


We said to the waiter

Enjoy your food

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now