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Lisa​ is currently getting water bottles at the vending machine

She insert her coins in the slot as she press a button making 2 water bottles fall

Lisa grab the two water bottles and she goes to Jennie who is sitting on a bench under a cherry blossoms tree

Oi Mandu here

Lisa​ said while handing over a water bottle to her

Jennie looked at the bottle hesitantly

Did you poison this?

Jennie ask while raising her eyebrow

Yahhh ofcourse not!

Lisa​ said

Jennie then grab the water bottle from Lisa's hand

She then open it and drank it

There you are we thought you two already killed each other

Jisoo said while coming towards us with Chae young with her

Don't be silly Soo, this Mandu can't kill me, she loves me

Lisa said smirking making Jennie choke on the water she is drinking

Jennie are you okay?

Chaeng ask while patting Jennie's back


Jennie said trying to catch her breath back

Ohh well, me and Jisoo have to go back to class now see you guys later

Lisa said wrapping her arms around Jisoo's shoulder

Okay see you guys!

Chaeng said waving to Lisa and Jisoo

See you later Mandu

Lisa said winking at Jennie but Jennie just rolled her eyes at her and stuck her tounge out

Lisa just chuckled, Jisoo and her then made their way back to their classes

While walking through the hallway Jisoo called Lisa

Hey Lisa

Jisoo called out


Lisa hum in response

Do you like my cousin?

Jisoo ask making Lisa's heart stop for a second

Lisa then look at Jisoo shocked because of her question

W-What are you saying unnie?

Lisa said stuttering and a tint of redness was visible on her cheeks

I was just wondering cause you always annoy her and asking for her attention.

Jisoo said while walking

It's not that I want her attention it's just fun to annoy her

Lisa said grinning while walking

Are you sure?

Jisoo ask sternly not believing the blonde

O-Ofcourse unnie

Lisa​ said looking away from Jisoo's gaze

Meanwhile at Jennie and Chaeyoung

Unnie can I ask you a question?

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now