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Jennie Pov

I am now on my way to school I am currently walking cause I woke up early and my brother was sick so he couldn't bring me to school

I decided to get myself some snacks and something hot to drink cause it's cold especially at 6 in the morning

I then went inside and as soon as I went inside I saw Jongin slurping some ramen

He didn't seem to notice me so I just pretend that I didn't see him

I then went to the snack area and decide what to get I am debating whether to get the mango flavor or orange I decided to get the mango flavor but a hand grabbed it and replaced it with a strawberry flavored sweets

Get this instead

I was startled at first but I knew it is Jongin I just looked at him

Trust me on this one I tried all their foods here

Jongin said to me smiling

What are you doing in a place like this?

I asked him

Can't I?

He asked crossing his arms

It's not that you can't it's just unlikely for a guy like you to be in this kind of place especially when your dad is the owner of the most famous hotel in the world

I explained to him and I can see that he flinched when I mentioned the word 'you're dad'

He then didn't say anything and the awkward silence is filling up the air

Jongin Pov

It's not that you can't it's just unlikely for a guy like you to be in this kind of place especially when your dad is the owner of the most famous hotel in the world

Jennie said to me I flinched when she said 'my dad' I couldn't help myself but to be angry


15 years ago......

I came home from school and I received a text from Lisa


Bro wanna hang out?

Our squad decided to
Hang out

Sure I'll meet you
at the lake

Okay see you, Bro 🤘

I then went to change my clothes then I go to the lake where me, Lisa, Jisoo, and Sehun usually hang out

Once I got there I saw my friends already at the lake I then go to them

Where is that moron?!

I heard Lisa said on her phone taping her keyboard

Hey Guys!

I said and they all came to me and engulfed me with a hug

So what do you guys wanna do?

I asked them

Let's go to the bar!

Sehun said and we all nodded as we go to the bar

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