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Jisoo Pov

I am now walking Chaeng to her house and I can feel my heartbeat madly being with her makes my heart flutter

This is my house Unnie thanks for walking me to my house

Chaeng said smiling at me

Ghad I think I have a mini heart attack

No problem

I said smiling at her back

I'll go inside now

Chaeng said and was about to go inside but I held her wrist

What is it Unnie?

Chaeng asked

Uhm can I Uhm... Can I walk you home again tomorrow?

Fuck why am I stuttering?

Sure Unnie I would love to!

Chaeng said smiling widely

Okay then!

I said trying to retain my composure but in the back of my head I'm doing cartwheels

Calm your tits Kim Jisoo

See you tomorrow Unnie!

She said waving at me

See you tomorrow

I said waving back as she gets inside her house

I then mentally squeal and I can't stop smiling

I then start walking away and go home

Jennie Pov

I got inside my house and I opened the lights cause it's dark
Then as I turn my back around a figure suddenly showed up


I yelled clutching my chest

It's my stupid ass brother wearing a plain white shirt plain white pants his hair messed up with a blanket on his head looking at me lazily

Oppa! You scared me!

I scold him while glaring at him

I'm sorry

He husked out his eyes then went down landing on the box of cupcakes that Lisa gave me

What's that?

Taehyung ask


I said plainly going to the kitchen as Taehyung follow me I then put the cupcakes on the Isle and opened the fridge

Can I have it?

He asked


I said to him


He whined

These are given to me by a special someone

I said to him and he smirked

Who? Lisa?

He said making my eyes widen and blush as I look away from him

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