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Next day....

Jennie Pov

O My gosh! I still cant believe that you got jelouse over her brother

Jisoo said while cracking up

Yah I didn't get jelouse!

I denied


Jisoo said smirking at me and I just rolled my eyes at her

Where is Lisa anyway?

Chaeng asked

She's in the principal's office with Jongin together with their parents

I said to them sipping onto my drink

Poor them

Jisoo said

I'll go to the bathroom real quick

I excuse myself and they nodded

I stood up from my seat and went to the bathroom I then went inside a cubicle and did my business

After that I washed my hand and went out I was just walking when I heard a sound of a slap

I looked around to see what it was and I saw Jongin with looks like his mother and two other guy who looks like her bodyguard

I then hid myself cause I don't want to get seen

You are such a disgrace

The lady said while looking at Jongin and Jongin is jus looking down

Do what you have to do boys

The lady said while putting her sunglasses on leaving Jongin alone with the two large dudes

The two of them cornered Jongin and one of them suddenly punch Jongin I gasp in shock as Jongin fell down

Jongin tried to get up but he et kicked Jongin groan in pain and was about to fight back but he got punched again

I was about to go helped him when someone pulled me away I looked to see who it was and it's Lisa

Lisa wait

I said while trying to stop her

Jongin is in danger we need to help him

I said to her and she stop dragging me and look at me

Stop interfering with people's business it's his problem not yours nor mine

Lisa said to me

But Lisa---

She cutted me off

Stop being stubborn Jennie. They won't kill Jongin I can assure you that

Lisa said with confident

Has this... Has this happened before?

I asked her and she sigh and looked down

Yes.... Back then when we we're still friends.... They used to beat Jongin because Jongin will do something that make her mother angry at him and as a punishment they will beat Jongin for 3 minutes straight.

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