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Lisa Pov

Aish! I'm so hungry!

I said standing from my bed

I then decide to eat outside I grabbed my coat and wallet I then went out of my room and go downstairs

I wore my shoes real quick and I went out

As I was walking I saw in my peripheral a girl and a boy eating as I looked closely It's Jennie and Jongin

My blood then immediately boils as I get my phone and call Jongin
Which surprisingly he answered

What's the occasion?

He asked

Having fun on your date?

I asked seriously and sarcastically

He then looked around trying to find me and I saw him looked at me and we made eye contacts

I then saw him smirk and he grabbed Jennie's chin and he went close to Jennie's face

My blood starts rising as I clench my jaw and balled my fist

Jennie Pov

You have something on your mouth

Jongin said going back to his position

You could've just told me,
no need to come close to my face

I said to him

I just wanna have fun

Jongin said grinning


I asked confuse I then felt someone is standing beside me
I then slowly look up and my eyes widen in shocked


I said shocked but she is looking at us blankly

Let's go

Lisa said to me coldly as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me but Jongin grabbed my other hand

What are you doing?

Lisa asked coldly at Jongin

We're still not done eating can't you see?

Jongin said back to Lisa

I'm sorry to interrupt your stupid date but I'm taking Jennie home.

Lisa said to him

You can't

Jongin said straightly

Let go.

Lisa said with sternly

I'm not gonna

Jongin said smirking and I felt Lisa's grip tighten

I'm literally sweating because of the heated atmosphere with the two

I don't want to be in the middle of this

I said let go

Lisa said with a deep tone taking a step closer to Jongin while glaring at him

Make me

Jongin said taking a step closer to Lisa while grinning at her

I then gulped nervously at them then suddenly Lisa grabs Jongin's collar

You're really testing me huh?

Lisa said to him glaring at him

I'm telling you I'm ready to fight with you when it comes to her

Jongin said making me looked at him confused

Lisa then let's go of his collar and look at him in disbelief then they just stared at each other

I then fake cough to break the silence

I think I should go now

I said removing my hands from their grips

I then walked away leaving them alone

Gosh! It's so great to be finally far from them

Lisa Pov

Jennie then walked out from us and me and Jongin are just staring at each other

So you're telling me you that...

I was at a loss of words

I like her

Jongin admitted to me making me somewhat shock

What the fuck are you saying?

I just stared at him for a couple of minutes before walking away

I knew it...

Jennie Pov

I was about to turn a block when someone appeared causing me to jump


I yelled but was calmed down when I saw its Lisa

What are you doing at that place at this kind of time?
And why are you eating with Jongin huh?!

Lisa asked raising her voice at me

Yah lower your voice!

I said to her

Answer me

Lisa said with a demanding voice

I just decided to eat outside cause I'm hungry then suddenly Jongin sat in front of me and start eating and I don't know why he is there

I explained to her

What did you two talk about? Did he scare you?

Lisa asked

No, he said he want to be with me

I said calmly

He's basically threatening you!

Lisa said aggressively

I'm going now

I said but she blocked my way

Can we also bump into each other by coincidence?

She asked with a teasing smile

I'd rather be with you by plan rather than bumped into you by accident

I said to her genuinely

I'll go now be careful on your way home

I said walking away leaving her alone then I go inside my house

Lisa Pov

I'd rather be with you by plan rather than bumped into you by accident

Jennie said to me

Those words made my heart flutter

I'll go now be careful on your way home

She said to me and walk away

I can't help but smile at her

She really is something



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