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After 3 weeks

Lisa​ Pov

It's been 3 weeks and Jennie is still avoiding me I'm getting tired with Jennie's silent treatments

I decide to wait for her outside her house


I heard someone called me

I looked to see who it was and it's Jennie


I said while facing her

What are you doing here? Do you need anything?

She asked me coldly

Why are you not answering my calls? Replying to my texts?

I asked her

I'm busy

She said plainly

Stop lying

I said and she looked at me

You think I didn't notice? That you're avoiding me? I know that my confession make things  awkward for us but please! Don't avoid me or ignore me!

I said to her and she is just looking down

I'll have to go now

Jennie said coldly and walked pass me but it stopped when I back hug her

I can see that she was shocked by movement because of her body stiffens


She called me

Please don't do this Jennie... I miss you so much... I'm hurting inside Jen....

I said resting my chin on her shoulder

Lisa please let go...

Jennie said trying to get out of my hug but I tighten it more

Im not gonna.... I will never let you go even if you push me away I will take a step closer back to you

I said to her as my tears start to flow and I can hear her crying as well

Lisa stop... I can't take this anymore

Jennie said

I... I don't like you I'm sorry

She said and I felt my heart stop and my world shatter I slowly loosen my grip on hers and I looked at her

She didn't look back at me and she went inside her house leaving me alone

Jennie Pov

Once I got inside my house I went in my room and I locked the door and that's when I finally let out all of my tears down

I'm sorry Lisa Yah....

I said as my tears keep on flowing down

Then I heard a knock on my door

Nini? It's you're oppa can I come in?

I heard my brother called I quickly wiped my tears and fix myself

Wait a minute!

I said trying to avoid my voice crack

I then slowly go to the door and open it

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now