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Jisoo Pov

It is now after class and I'm currently looking for Chaeng cause we will walk home together

Then I saw her outside of the school so i went towards her

Where did you go? I was searching for you

I told her and she looked back at me

Ohh I'm sorry Jichu

She said while smiling at me

Ghod how can I stay mad at her with that face?

It's okay... Let's go now?

I asked her

Uhm actually Chan---

She was cutted of by someone calling her name we look to see who it was and it's the fucking mushroom head

I then rolled my eyes at him

Ohh you're here to

He said looking at me with a annoyed tone

Why is there any problem?

I asked him while crossing my arms


He said as he ignored me and he smiled sweetly at my pasta

So Chaeng lets go?

He asked

What does he mean by 'let's go?'

Wait what do you mean by let's go?

I asked them

I'm taking her home

Chanyeol said

What?! No! I'm taking Chaeng home!

I said to him while puling Chaeng to me

Yah Chaeng said I'm the one who will take her home today

He said pulling Chaeng back

And I sigh in disbelief

This fucking mushroom really

Did she promise?

I asked him intently

N-No why?

He asked

Then you don't have too do that in gonna take Chaeng home

I said to him while glaring at him

Chan it's okay let's just talk later

Chaeng said

Okay then Chaengie

He said smiling at Chaeng and he send me a glare that I return but a more deadly one before he leaves


Chaeng​ called me

Let's go

I said to her coldly as we started walking

Chaeng Pov

Me and Jisoo are now walking to my house and Jisoo didn't say anything like she would actually do

Is she mad? But why?

Uhm Jichu

I called her but she didn't look at me


I called her once again while tapping her shoulder

But again no response

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now