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Third Person View

I'm sorry about my brother

Jennie said shyly while scratching her nape

It's okay I'm used to it

Lisa said chuckling

Then there was a brief silence

Mam we're here

The driver said stopping at Lisa's mansion

Jennie then felt nervous Lisa then got out of the car first and she handed out her hand for Jennie to grab

Jennie then held Lisa's hand and both of them start walking inside the mansion

When then got inside they were greeted by the amount of gold design and different type of porselane designs in the living room with a grand staircase in the middle separating the kitchen and living room

Jennie felt her heart beat start beating faster and faster with every step that she takes

Lisa then seem to noticed Jennie by the way she grip on her hands

Babe don't be nervous I'm here

Lisa said to Jennie while smiling reassuringly and Jennie felt her worries was gone for a split second

Jennie then return the smile to Lisa when both of them herd someone calling Lisa both of them look to see who it was and it is a girl and a guy


The girl said who looks like in her 18's runs to Lisa and giving her a hug

Is she the one that you're talking about?

Eunbee asks whispering to Lisa

Yeah she's pretty right?

Lisa whispered back

Yeah you have a good taste

Eunbee said making Lisa chuckles

By the way this is Eunbee my little sister

Lisa said while introducing her little sister to Jennie

Hi Lisa unnie always talk to us about you

Eunbee said smiling while offering a handshake to Jennie

Nice to meet you Eunbee

Jennie said while shaking Eunbee's hand smiling at her

And this is Jin Oppa my older brother

Lisa said while introducing Jin to Jennie

Hey nice to finally meet you

Jin said offering a handshake to Jennie

Me too it's a pleasure

Jennie said smiling while shaking Jin's hand before letting go

He's the one that you've seen me with at the river

Lisa whispered to Jennie making her look down in embarrassment

Am I the only one who didn't meet the visitor yet?

A deep voice interrupt them making all of them startled


Lisa said smiling while going to her dad hugging him

Jennie then felt her knees getting weak as her heart start beating faster

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now