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Lisa​ Pov

It was the next day and I am on my way to school as I am at the car I saw a familiar girl walking at the side walk

Miss Lisa there is Miss Jennie should we give her a ride?

My driver asked

As much as I want to I know she would hate it

No just go straight to the school

I said to him while looking away from Jennie

Then the driver obeyed my order and went pass her I looked at the rear view mirror and I saw her staring at us

I just shrugged it and just looked outside the window

After a couple of minutes I arrived at school

As soon as I get out of the car I saw there are so many reporters at one side i then checked to see what it was and it's Irene getting interviewed by the media

Uhg I hate them

I was about to walk away when I heard her say

Stop please!

I looked over to her again and the reporters are still pushing her to answer their questions

I then go towards her and protectively wrapped my arms around her shoulder

Miss Lalisa did are you two really engaged?

Miss Lisa is it true that you're getting married

Miss Lisa is it true that you got Miss Irene Kim pregnant?

The reporters bombarded me with the question

I looked at Irene who is just looking down

Then finally the securities came and start to back us up

Let's go

I whisper to Irene as I pull her away from here still keeping my arms around her

I then take her to the back of the school

Are you okay?

I asked her worriedly

I'm... I'm fine...

She​ said looking down

Just don't pay attention to them they are just thirsty for some news

I said to her then I heard her some little sniffles I looked over to her and I saw her crying

I still keep my distance to her cause I know there students who are watching and might start some stupid rumours about us

I pat her shoulders and try to calm her down but she still didn't stop crying I sigh and I looked around to see if anyone is here before wrapping my arms around her pulling her into a hug

It's okay... I'm here

I said to her while stroking her back

This is just a FRIENDLY hug because she is my FRIEND

Jennie Pov

I finally arrived at school and I saw a ton of people with their camera's

What's happening?

I then saw the securities starts to stop the people

Hey Jen

I looked to see who it was and it's Jisoo with Chaeng

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now