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Lisa Pov

Me and Jennie starts arguing when we heard the door busting open

We look to see who it was and its Jackson

Me and Jackson are not close but I consider my relationship with him as friends

Did I interrupt your LQ?

Jackson asked while putting his hands in his pockets

Don't you know how to knock?!

I asked him raising my voice

Don't you know how to lower your voice?!

Jackson said back

I'm going now

Jennie said while walking out of the rooftop leaving me and this senior alone

Yah Mandu! We're not yet done talking about this!

I shouted but she just ignored me and continue on her way

Can you go out too?

Jackson asked while sitting on bench crossing his legs

Just because you're my senior means you can boss me whenever you want

I said to him, shoving my hands in my pockets

Yah yah whatever just go

Jackson said while shooing me


Is the only thing I said before leaving the rooftop and immediately go to the canteen cause I know Jennie is gonna be there

Jennie Pov

I am now in line to get my self some food because I'm hungry duh.

When it is my turn I ordered myself spicy rice cake kimbap and I was about to get strawberry milk when someone else also grabbed it

I look to see who it was and its Jongin,

Kim Jongin.

Let go.

I said to him coldly

Why? I want it too

He said trying to get the strawberry milk from my hand by pulling it but I held it tighter

I got it first go get something else

I said to him pulling the strawberry milk from his hand making him let go of the strawberry milk

Yah do you know who I am?

He asked taking a step closer to me

No and I don't plan to know either

I said savagely before going pass him and went to the table to sit with my friends

Hey Jennie I saw you talking with Jongin

Jisoo said to me

And so? It's nothing important

I said while eating my rice cakes

I then felt someone sat in front of me, I look to see who it was and its Lisa with a can of iced coffee in her hand

Where did you guys go by the way?

Jisoo ask

Somewhere in the school, me and Mandu just talked about something

Lisa said taking a bite of her corndog making me roll my eyes

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