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Lisa Pov

I am at the school with Jisoo and Chaeng waiting for Jennie

Where the hell is that Mandu?

I said furiously while pacing back and forth I've been calling and texting her for almost half an hour and she didn't even bother to reply to my messages

Is she cheating on me?! Don't she dare

Yah Monkey stop it!

I heard Jisoo said but I just ignored her and continued to call her

Lisa relax I'm sure Jennie is fine maybe a bit late but I'm sure she is fine so stop worrying

Chaeng said but I don't believe it Jennie is never late


Yes I heard that they come to school together

I even saw it with my own eyes

She is so lucky to ride Jongin's bike

I then look at the student's weirdly

Don't you think they are talking about Jennie?

Jisoo ask

And the thought of that makes me angry

Then I saw Jennie walking to us with Jongin at her side she didn't seem to notice me cause she didn't look at me yet

I then put my phone away from my ear and shove it in my pocket not taking my eyes off them

I was right

I heard Jisoo said

Jennie then finally look at me aswell as Jongin Jennie look surprised while Jongin look unbothered


Jennie said softly

I was literally boiling at this point but I'm just controlling myself

Jennie Pov

We finally got to school I then got  off of Jongin's bike as I remove his helmet from my head giving it to him

Thanks for the ride

I said to him

Did you just say thanks to me? I guess I will take you to school every day then

Jongin said grinning

I just didn't respond and go to class I then saw Jongin go beside me and start walking with me

I am confused why he is doing this but I just shrugged it off

I then stopped at my step and I saw Lisa with her phone on her ear looking at us


I said surprised to see her

She then suddenly go towards us and she pulled my wrist making me go behind her but she is still holding my hand

I looked at her surprise and she is glaring at Jongin while Jongin is just looking at her unbothered

How can he look unbothered with someone looking at you like that? I swear Lisa wants to peel off his skin alive

What are you doing with her?

Lisa ask gritting her teeth

Why do you care? Don't you have more important things to do like being a good fiance?

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