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Jennie Pov

I am now at my room changing into something comfortable I wore a pink sweater and some joggers

Once I'm done changing I did my homework

I can't seem to focus on my homework cause I keep on remembering the kiss

Aishh! Jennie can you stop remembering what happened

I scolded myself

But her lips... Its so soft and her breath smells like mint

Jennie snap out of it!

I scolded myself again

Maybe I just need some fresh air....

I said standing up

I then grab the Jacket that Lisa lend to me and I went down the stairs and wore my shoes

Oppa I'm going out for a walk!

I shouted at my brother

Okay! Take care!

He shouted back

I then went out and go to the park

I was just walking around when I saw a familiar figure sitting at a bench staring at the water fountain

He then slowly looked at me causing me to be startled

Fuck he saw me what am I gonna do?

Okay just pretend that you know him okay just keep walking straight

I then start walking and I saw him stood up

I was about to walk pass him when he say something

Kim Jennie

He called out I then looked at him


I asked him

Let's talk

He said in a demanding tone

Why would I talk to the guy that humiliate me in front of many students?

I asked him

You're already talking to him tho

He said grinning at me

And I face palm myself mentally

He has a point

I just wanna adress something to you

He said and I just look at him

Stay away from Lisa

He said and I felt my fist forming to a ball

She will only messed up your life so if I were you I would stay away from her

He added

And who are you to say that? I know that you and Lisa were friends back then but time pass and Lisa change so what are you saying that I should stay away from her? Cause if I were to ask I would most probably stay away from you

I said to him and he didn't say anything and just looked at me

He then smile slightly and look at me

So you do like her

He said

Of course!

I immediately answered and he looked at me with an unreadable expression

Like it's a mix of hurt, sadness, and pain

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