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It's been 30 minutes and Finally everyone calm down

Finally! You guys decided to calm down

Chaeng said standing up from her couch

So what are we gonna do?

Chaeng ask sighing, not knowing what to do

Why don't we watch a movie?

Lisa suggested

Yeah sounds good!

All of them agree to Lisa

I'll just order foods for us to eat

Chaeng informed them

I'll join you I don't want to be third wheeling between them.

Jisoo said standing up pertaining to Lisa and Jennie


Both Jennie and Lisa said in unison

Jisoo rolled her eyes on them and both Chaeng and Jisoo ordered foods leaving Lisa and Jennie alone in the living room

So..... I guess we're alone now

Lisa said

What ever. just pick a movie

Jennie said coldly while Lisa only rolled her eyes before standing up


Lisa whispered  which Jennie clearly heard

What was that?

Jennie asked in a sassy tone


Lisa answered as she went towars the TV to pick a movie

What do you wanna watch?

Lisa asked Jennie

Anything is fine

Jennie said while looking at her phone not r da paying attention to Lisa

Let's go for romance

Lisa suggested


Jennie yelled making Lisa startled

Okay! Okay! Geez! You don't have to shout

Lisa said

How about comedy?



-Ehhhh Nah


-Eww Gross


𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now