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Jennie Pov

I was eating lunch with Jisoo and Chaeng

Where's Lisa?

Chaeng asked

She said she's not going to school she's not feeling well

Jisoo said

And I remained silent knowing that's its because of me why she did not come to school

Jen are you okay?

Chaeng ask me

Y-Yeah I'm just thinking about something

I said to her

Something or Someone?

Jisoo said making me look at her

Skipped Time

I am at my locker getting my things when my phone starts ringing

I checked to see who it was and it's Jongin I sigh in annoyance and just decide to ignore it

Why don't you pick up your phone?

I heard a voice from my back causing me to get startled I looked back and I saw Jongin's face inches to mine

I don't have time for this

I said to him and was about to go but he pinned me to the lockers good thing there is not much students are here

I then tried to get him off of me by pushing him

Get off.

I said seriously to him

Why? Are you scared that I might do something bad?

He said smirking at me while inching his face closer to mine

I'm serious get off.

I said to him while glaring at him

Why can't you like me?

He asked me


I asked him in confusion

Jongin Pov

As I pinned Jennie to the locker I looked at her eyes and she is looking at me in shocked

Why can't you like me back

I asked her


She asked confuse

Why do you like that jerk? What does she have that I don't?

I asked her while looking at her eyes

She has my heart

She said not flinching

I then felt my heart shattered to a million pieces when I heard that

Why can't you just love me?

I then slowly let go of her and she walked away from me while I'm still processing what she have said

I guess I have been dumped the second time...

I said as I looked down

I will not give up on you Jennie Kim if I can't have you no one else can

I said as I clench my fist

Lisa Pov

I am at the cafe eating and doing my business when I felt someone by my side

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now