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Lisa​ Pov

I am with Irene now eating some street foods while talking about some random shits that we've done

Being with Irene is not that bad after all

But I'm still a little bit sad because of what happened

Hey Lis are you still there?

She asked me waving her hands infront of my face

Oh I'm sorry it's just... I'm thinking about something

I said to her looking down

Hey you can tell me

She​ said while holding my hand I then felt a sudden discomfort from her touch

U-Uhm i-- it's a okay

I said to her  while removing my hands from her

I'm sorry

She said looking down I then felt guilty she just want to comfort me

It's okay

I said to her while smiling

So what are your plans

She asked me

I'm planning to transfer

I said to her and she looked at me with her eyes widen

What?! Why? We have an upcoming test next week

She said to me and I just look down

I know I'm just gonna finish the test and after that I'm gonna transfer to another school

I said to her while looking away

B-But how about your friends? Will you leave then behind just because of that girl?

She asked me

My decision is final Irene plus I know that they will understand me

I said to her forcing a smile

Why do you have to be so selfish?

She asked and I looked at her


I asked confuse

How about me? Didn't you think that i will not miss you?

She asked me while looking at me and I just look at her

Why do you have to be so selfish?

She asked me once again with tears forming in her eyes

I then go towards her and hug her as I can feel my shoulder getting wet

It's okay....

I said to her softly as I stroke her back

Please Lisa.... Just stay... I can't bare to not see you... Please... This is the only time I asked you for something

She said to me as her voice cracks

I'm sorry Irene....

Is all that I could say she then pull from the hug and look at me

If that's what you want I'm not gonna stop you... But please for the remaining days can you spend your time with me?

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now