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Third person view

While Jennie and Lisa are holding hand in hand someone is secretly watching them from afar

And that someone is looking at them hurt and sadly

I wish I can make you blush like how Lisa can

Is all the guy could say while staring at them

Lisa Pov

It is now 7:30 and students are starting to appear I then saw Jisoo and Chaeng walking to school together

I then smirked at them and I and Jennie approached them

Nice to see you love birds

I teased them and I saw Jisoo blush making my smirk grew bigger

S-Shut up!

Jisoo said glaring at me

You two are early today

Chaeng said


I said yawning

Man I'm still sleepy

Then we heard the bell we then decide to go to our class

Class starts and I'm sleepy as fuck. I tried my best to listen and keep my eyes open but It always seems to close by itself

I just gave in to my sleepiness who cares about school anyway I then put my arms on my desk and I lay my head down on my desk and slowly closed my eyes

What could possibly go wrong right? I then drifted off to sleep

Jongin Pov

I am now in class I'm not actually listening to the teacher I'm just here cause Jennie is here

I am now looking at her and she looks so beautiful with her hair down

I just wanna make you mine...

I mumbled underneath my breath

She then seems to notice me staring at her cause she turn her head back and I quickly look away

I then took a glance at her and I saw her smiling softly

That smile.....

Jennie Pov

I don't know why but I felt like someone is staring at me I then look behind my back and I saw Jongin staring at me

We made eye contact for at least 5 seconds but was broken off by Jongin looking away from me

What's with him?

I then just shrugged it off and I looked back at the front then I remembered Lisa

I then smile softly and continue to write notes down

Skipped Time

The teacher then dismissed us and all of the students went out me and Chaeng are one of the last students to get out of the classroom

Once we got out of the classroom Jisoo is the only one that is outside of our classroom

Hey Unnie where's Lisa?

Chaeng ask

Jisoo then pointed at their classroom and I saw Lisa talking to Irene and Irene is crying

What are they talking about?

Lisa then said something to Irene before leaving her she then went out of the classroom and she looked at me surprisingly while I'm just looking at her

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