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After 4 days.....

3rd Point of  View

Its now their exam day and Lisa is now walking to her class and she came across Jongin when she is going to class

both of them stop at their tracks and look at each other blankly

Their stare off was cut of by a door opening  revealing Jennie who doesn't seem to know whats going on 

Lisa and Jongin looked at the oblivious Jennie, Jennie them look up to see Jongin staring at her Jennie didnt pay attention to him and was about to go the other way when a pair of brown eyes met her


Jennie said in surprise Lisa was about to say something when she remebered something 

Lisa no ... Stop yourself you have  to move on 

Lisa then just gave her a small nod with her face stone cold before she went inside her classroom

She then went to her seat and  waited for the teacher to arrive 


Jennie then watch Lisa go to her classroom she just sigh and with that she look back to see Jongin looking at her blankly


She asked him and he didn't respond and continue to stare at her Jennie just ignore him and and just went back to her classroom

as soon as the teacher came everyone went to their seats

Okay class you have an hour and 30 minutes to finish this exam

the teacher said to them before passing the exam papers too  the students the students then get a piece of paper and pass it behind them

Once you got your papers your no allowed to talk. If you have any questions just raise your hands and I'll be the one to come to you is that clear? 

The teacher told the students

Anymore questions?

The teacher ask

No mam

The students answered

You may now start

The teacher said making the students focus on their papers

5 minutes have pass and Jisoo seem to have trouble on her test

Yah Lisa do you know the answer to number 24?

Jisoo whispered to Lisa carefully making sure tat the teacher don't see them

How the hell am i suppose to know?

Lisa whispered back acting like she doesn't know the answer well in fact she actually review her exam

C'mon Lisa i know you know the answer just this one please

Jisoo said pleading to Lisa 

Lisa decides to play with the older

I don't know I  dont want to cheat

Lisa said teasing the older

C'mon Lisaaa please I'll buy anything you want

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now