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Jennie Pov

Then I run as fast as I can to go to the rooftop and once I got there I stopped at a door

This is my last chance

I took a deep breathe before holding the door knob

Lisa please be in here

I then open the door and I saw a familiar figure standing with her back facing me

I then felt my hear start beating rapidly

She's here.... I'm so fucking happy

Lisa Pov

I decided before I go to my new school I will spend one last time in my most favorite place here in school

The rooftop

I go to the rooftop and I take a look at the view

I'm gonna fucking miss this school

My thoughts was cutted of when I heard the door being open

I look to see what it was and my heart froze


I said in surprise we then both stared at each other and she run up to me and crash her body to me luckily I manage to keep my balance

I then felt her arms wrapped around my waist hugging me tightly

God I miss this

W-What are you doing here?

I asked her she didn't say anything and she just hug me tighter as hear little sniffs

Is she crying?

H-Hey why are you crying? Are you okay?

I asked her while hugging her back

Is it true that you'll leave?

She asked me in between her tears

I couldn't answer her


She then looked at me

Lisa please don't.... I don't want you leave please Lisa....

She said while crying

I thought you hate me and you're annoyed by me being around?

I asked her and she shakes her head no and cups my face

I take it back.... Its not True! The truth is I want you beside me I want you near me I want you to annoy me like you used to

She said to me and I couldn't feel so happy in my life but I need those 3 words from her

Why do you want me to stay?

I asked her while pulling her waist close to mine

She didn't answer and stared at my orbs that is lost in hers

Jennie tell me why you want me to stay

I told her as I cupped her face and press my forehead onto hers I can feel her breath hitting my lips

Because I....

She said closing her eyes

You what?

𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 || JENLISA || [Editing] Where stories live. Discover now