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"i swear to god, jimin. i'm never fucking working with adults again!"

taehyung angrily roamed the neatly arranged bedroom in his apartment. he was facetiming jimin through his macbook. "and then he's gonna tell me not to interrupt him, like what the hell i look lik—"

"at least he was hot," jimin remarked.

a flash of irritation overcame taehyung. sure, jungkook was okay looking. when they met, jungkook was wearing a tight black shirt which made his muscles highly prominent.

"that's not the point. why was he being so rude to me? he literally looked twenty-five, yet he was picking on me, an eighteen year old."

jimin leaned back in his chair & giggled lightly. "babe, it's not that serious. it's a froyo shop for god sakes. i doubt you're ever gonna see him again."

taehyung groaned at his claim. "but his brother channie is a usual customer. i'm gonna have to see him again. fuck."

taehyung stared at his best friend through the screen. "life would be so much easier if we didn't live two thousand miles away from each other." jimin shrugged his shoulders. "true. maybe after this whole social distancing shit you could fly to see me."

"yeah, that's if jungkook doesn't kidnap and kill me before i can."

"admit it, taehyung. you're obsessed—"

"yeah, we not doing this tonight," taehyung huffed, clicking the end call button. it seemed like jimin was siding with jungkook and truthfully, it always bothered taehyung when he didn't get his way.

so if jimin wouldn't agree with him, then his opinion was meant for the garbage.

taehyung's ringer went off. he rolled his eyes at the notification.

jimin 🖤:
u r so fucking overdramatic.
just call me back


after putting his phone away, taehyung gazed into the bathroom mirror. he ran a finger over the frame, feeling its cold edges & the layers of dust that clung. all he saw was a blue-haired male with crooked glasses.

"ugh," he complained. he felt gross staring at his reflection.

he then traveled to his kitchen at a leisure pace. taehyung opened the refrigerator and returned back to his room with a store-bought chicken sandwich. he chewed robotically, staring ahead at the framed picture in front of him.

it was him and his mother.

fuck you for thinking i wasn't enough.

taehyung had the, "everything happened for a reason" mentality. it was how he went through his days without being filled with disgust of his own mother.

from his perspective, his mother left him and started a new family for a reason. his father's imprisonment also happened for a reason. they just weren't meant to be together. all those events did not define his life as a whole.

yet, he couldn't help but feel sadness. he was so lonely.

taehyung finished the last remnants of his sandwich & freshened up for bed. he rubbed his fingers along his baby blue bedsheet. he pressed his cheek against the chilled pillow.

she wasn't worth it.

those thoughts soon put him to sleep.

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