thirty four.

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jiwon sucked his teeth in pure bliss, kneading the blue-haired male's asscheek with his dominant hand. all he wanted was to devour taehyung, but he knew the fantasy was too far-fetched from reality.

"your ass feels amazing," he groaned as the projection of his hot breath shot shivers up taehyung's spine. "you like that, huh?"

taehyung prompted his slouched body up on the couch to suit the position jiwon situated him in. his brain invited boredom to play as he grunted out forced moans to satisfy jiwon.

"it feels good, doesn't it?" the aforementioned inquired.

"i guess," taehyung spoke.

jiwon searched for the elder's crotch before gently palming it. he whimpered in taehyung's ear without the slightest bit of discomposure, but it seemed as though the blue-haired male was crashed with a lack of interest.

jiwon sighed. "am i doing something wrong?"

"w-what?" taehyung cast his eyes onto the younger, and then like a slow falling hammer new thoughts came. "oh no, you're fine!"

jiwon shook all physical contact off the other and sat back on the couch. "i'm missing something, aren't i?"


"there's somebody else," the brown-haired male suggested. "i'm not stupid."

in state of affairs, all taehyung hungered for was the feeling of pleasure. he had alternated between dozens of people, yet none of them appealed to his romanticized likings.

"no, there's nobody else," the blue-haired male assured. "i haven't even dated someone in over, like what, a year? don't worry about that."

jiwon approached his kitchen counter and retrieved a select number of wine bottles. he poured himself a cup before pressing the glass rim against his already wetted lips. a single drop of red wine traced its way inside his mouth as he savored it.

he sighed. "how about we just get to know each other for now? we could save the sex for later."

"sure." taehyung prompted himself up on the couch in subtle agreement with the younger. he was satisfied with anything that could possibly fill the unexplainable void within him.

jiwon returned back to the couch, offering the elder a half-filled cup of wine. taehyung shook his hands in a dismissing manner and drew his feet off of the couch's cushion.

"are you from around here?" the brown-haired male queried.

"yeah." taehyung gestured the distance between them using his index finger. "you live, like, two blocks away from me."

the brown-haired male chewed a mouthful of ice from his drink. he comfortably sat on his roughened table to directly face taehyung.

"that's nice, but i'm actually barely down here in seoul. i attend the university of changwon."

taehyung lost his breath in a startled gasp of amazement. a sense of shock slammed through him as he realized that the university jiwon mentioned was one of the top schools in korea.

"that's a really good school," he admitted. "what's your major?"

"i'm a basketball player," the younger replied. he patted the center of his chest, proudly. "number thirteen in the country, baby!"

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