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the air was perfumed by the heavy scent of pumpkin spice. taehyung roamed around the candle store in awe, eyeing the variety of candles aligned on the shelves. the sudden sound of an excited voice then startled him.

"oh, my god, it cannot be!" a tall male sprinted into the section taehyung stood in. "never did i think i would reunite with the only and only kim taehyung in my candle shop. what?!"

fuck, not him again. taehyung masked his annoyance with a fake smile. "hi, seokjin."

seokjin wrapped his arm around the small male, smothering him with small kisses. "i missed you so, so much!"

taehyung let out a loud groan as he tried to escape from seokjin's embrace. i didn't.

taehyung's high school memories came flooding through his mind all at once.

seokjin was the snobby, rich kid who irritated him at any possible moment he could. seokjin was completely oblivious to the fact that the whole class hated him, and that just made things even worse.

taehyung scoffed, reflecting back to when the whole senior class collectively agreed to vote seokjin out as valedictorian, but his multi-millionaire father ended up bribing the school into canceling all the votes. taehyung remembered the day like it was yesterday.

seokjin pulled the small male's arm. "so, do you like my huge candle store? there are so many varieties, try out my free samples!"

how the hell do you sample candles...

"haha, it's fine." taehyung refrained himself from rolling his eyes. "could you just take me to the pumpkin spice section?"

seokjin nodded, grabbing taehyung's hand to navigate him through the spacious store. taehyung surely didn't want the man who ruined his high school experience to hold hands with him, but if there was any opportunity to get a discount, it was now.

the tall male passed taehyung three pumpkin spice candles from the top shelf. the sudden weight caused taehyung to stumble back. "oh, taehyung, you're so clumsy!" seokjin giggled.

"please shut the fuck up," taehyung giggled back.

seokjin excitedly traveled to the cash register with taehyung trailing behind him. he began scanning the candle labels before initiating another conversation. "so, who's the lucky guy?"


"don't act clueless. there must be some cute guy you're buying all these candles for," seokjin assumed. he rose an eyebrow in curiousity.

taehyung's thoughts swirled into a world of confusion.

"cute guy?" how does he know?

do i "look" gay?

he glanced down at his fuzzy, pink slippers.

yeah, never mind.

"it's nothing romantic. my work shift starts soon and today's my manager's birthday so i wanted to surprise him since he's, like, obsessed with candles," taehyung truthfully answered.

seokjin used his slender fingers to cover his mouth while laughing. "i see you blushing, tae. no need to hide it."


seokjin interrupted taehyung with a loud shriek.

"this stupid cash register never fucking works!" seokjin aggressively threw the object on the ground. everyone roaming the store stared in fear.

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