thirty seven.

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TW: mild smut

"god, just kiss already!" taehyung screeched at the characters projected on his television. he smacked the center of his forehead out of utter frustration.

to his dismay, the characters separated from each other and departed from the scene. in response, the blue-haired male fell limp and laid back on the couch in a lazy disposition.

"ugh, today's been so boring," he murmured to himself. "i should finally dye my hair later."

as taehyung heavily gazed at the ceiling, he couldn't help but enable random thoughts to hasten through his mind. after a few minutes, only a certain thought remained consistent.

what jungkook said a few days back.

"looks like taehyung really likes you."

the blue-haired male flipped to the opposite direction of the couch and scowled at jungkook's words. days had flew by, yet he still failed at deciphering anything out of the ravenette's statement.

taehyung speculated about what the ravenette intended by telling jiwon such words, and why it came off as so passive aggressive. never once did he insinuate that he felt anything passionate towards jiwon, so it was mystery as to what made jungkook conclude to that.

whatever the cost, taehyung needed an answer. the two had just reunited and indulging in petty controversies was the wrong path to go down. his first option was typically turning to jimin for advice, but the blonde was already working a long-winded shift and taehyung did not want to interfere.

his mind then drifted to what jungkook was possibly doing at the moment in time. the blue-haired male's smile faltered at the thought of jungkook most likely taking care of his younger brother or playing basketball.

"maybe i should ask if he wants to hang out," taehyung declared to himself.

he released a deep breath, nourishing himself to find confidence in messaging the ravenette. it was the weekend and taehyung doubted jungkook was even relatively busy, meaning it was the perfect opportunity to reach in contact with the younger.

taehyung shrugged. it's just one conversation.

hey jungkook


how are u

i've been fine

alright i guesss

did you need anything?
you usually don't text me out of
the blue unless need something lmao

i wanted to know if u were busy
i wanna talk to you rn

lmao well yeah i am
kinda busy right now
so i cant hang out sorry
and aren't you supposed to be
hanging out with jiwon?

oh sorry for bothering you :(
oh no i'm not with anyone
i was just curious
i'm sorry for the bother!!!

wait are you ok?
is it an emergency?


taehyung smothered his reddened face in the pillow within the closest range that he could find. utterly humiliated, the blue-haired male let out a high-pitched, complaining cry.

"i'm so stupid!" he whined. "i should've never asked!"

unshed sweat droplets of embarrassment began to overwhelm him. though the messages barely had meaning, he felt dispirited by the fact that jungkook was so swift to decline the offer of meeting with him.

we're not dating anymore, the blue-haired male thought. i shouldn't care.

taehyung constrained himself off the couch and traveled to his bedroom. his brain was still set on the ravenette rejecting his proposal to hang out. it was a headache.

he hauled his body to his bed with force, groaning. the day was an unsettling merge of embarrassment and boredom. the blue-haired male presumed that jungkook was doing his daily tactics, but his constant overthinking also caused him to consider the worst things.

he got a hundred times hotter, just look at him. taehyung scoffed. he's probably having a huge orgy with girls way better-looking than me right now. that's why he's busy, i knew it!

he then shook the sinful notions out of his head of the ravenette's recent post — him shirtless. taehyung fought the urge to read the comments of thirsting girls voicing their attraction to jungkook, but quickly refrained from it to prevent any unnecessary jealousy.

taehyung was fully aware he should not have been focused on what other girls perceived of the ravenette since they were not romantically involved, but it was an ongoing thought that he could barely help.

"i need to distract myself."

his eyes leisurely traveled to the desk directly next to him. he placed his focus on the bottled wet substance screaming for his touch.

the lube.

is it too early? it's barely the afternoon...

the blue-haired male swallowed any uncertainties and grasped onto the bottle with no havering. he scuffled his shorts off, face flushed, before outspreading his legs.

he saturated his middle and ring finger with the lubricant, shivering at chilling sensation that overcame him as he caressed his hole.

the blue-haired male slightly winced at the pressure of his fingers inserting itself into his hole, but the repeated thrusting eventually soothed his nerves.

a broken moan escaped his lips as he tipped his head back in pleasure. midway of his fingering, he slipped in another and let out any additional suppressed whines.

he gave small whimpers of sensual gratification as his hand traveled up and down his member, softly stroking it. the blue-haired male had not satisfied himself in months, so the feeling of sensitivity surrounded him.

his whimpers grew louder.

"j-jungkook," taehyung feebly moaned. "jungkook..."

a pair of footsteps progressively grew louder as they neared the blue-haired male's bedroom.

"hey, i heard my name! i just wanted to check if everything was alright because i thought there was an emer—"

jungkook froze in his brisk steps and fixated a stare at the elder. it took the blue-haired male a couple milliseconds to touch base with reality before he also caught sight of the ravenette.


breathing quaveringly, taehyung shut his legs and scooted back up. he struggle to formulate a response due to how jungkook came like a bolt from the blue.

"damn." the ravenette sneered, approaching the other.

he took the initiative by firmly clutching onto the blue-haired male's thighs and spreading them back to their previous state. taehyung fought for a breath as he was instantly placed under the younger's domination.

jungkook kneaded the elder's thick thigh with ease, glimpsing back up at him.

"need some help with that?"

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