twenty two.

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a/n: clears throat.....i will now be going by they/them pronouns now thank u....steps away from mic

taehyung sat back, straightening out the wrinkles in his shirt as a way of distracting himself. his mind was so cluttered.

jimin's text messages had stained through his brain. it was such an alienated feeling to witness jimin finally show vulnerability. he was always the stronger one in their friendship.

taehyung had lost count of how many days he stalled with telling jungkook the truth. it was almost like he was powerless and didn't put any of his faith into action.

he let himself loudly fall on the couch with a satisfactory thump. jungkook and dokyeom were at basketball practice and channie was at a friend's house, meaning he had the whole house to himself.

the house was emptier than a crypt. he checked his phone for the fiftieth time, even though it was a no-brainer that jimin was not going to text him anytime soon.

the television was displaying a black-and-white show aired in the seventies, making him drift into pointless daydreams. boredom killed.

hot air flew through taehyung's lips. "some dick would be amazing right now."

he shook his head in disappointment at his abrupt sexual thoughts. jungkook's dick really changed him.

soon later, a knock came quietly at the door. there was silence at first, but the person then began pounding. taehyung sighed.

"seokjin, shut up. i know it's you."

taehyung galloped to the front door before swinging it open. the wind from outside blew through the house with a powerful passion.

his face dropped.

"w-what are you doing back so early?"

dokyeom ignored his question. his eyes were stuck on the tight shorts taehyung had on.

taehyung staggered back. he felt extremely uncomfortable.

he analyzed his brain like a short circuit to find something to respond with. anything was needed to get dokyeom's unneeded attention off his body.

"um, where's jungkook?"

dokyeom eyes traveled up to taehyung's face.

"he won't be home for another three hours."

oh shit.

taehyung's body movements tightened and his sanity reduced. the fear coursing through his system after dokyeom uttered those words was unbelievable.

"why do you looked so worried?" dokyeom queried. he subconsciously moved closer to the elder.

taehyung let out an empty giggle. "i-i just need to go."

"no, you should lay on the couch for me."

taehyung was too nauseous to comprehend his words. he tried to dash towards the door, but dokyeom's hand acted as a shield against him.

and in regards to physical strength, taehyung had no chance.

"i really need to go," taehyung pleaded. "i have an urgent doctor's appointment."

dokyeom grabbed his arm. "it can wait."


"lay on the fucking couch."

though taehyung thought it was impossible, the terror he felt sliced even deeper inside of him. it was after a few seconds that his cry finally arose. he longed for his sobs to be loud enough to reach the ears of jungkook.

dokyeom growled. "god, you fucking brat." he threw the blue-haired male's weakened body on the couch and began with business.

as dokyeom roamed through his body, taehyung came to be hopeless. there was nothing he could possibly do in this coming forward, yet his mind was only stuck on one thing.

i should've listened to jimin.

the younger bent down, nestling his head in taehyung's neck in an intimate manner. taehyung felt nothing but repulse.

"i forgot how fucking fat your ass was," dokyeom groaned. he massaged the elder's right asscheek. the alarmed whimpers of taehyung brought him so much more pleasure than he expected.

taehyung's eyes were flooded with tears and his powerless legs went up and down like a wind-up doll. he didn't even want to consider what dokyeom would do next.

"please. please stop," he hiccuped.

"you know," dokyeom started. his long tongue slithered down taehyung's neck. "jungkook told me all about your guys' little fuck session at that frozen yogurt shop."

taehyung gritted his teeth at the feeling of saliva saturating his body. "no—"

"and i can't wait to stretch out your tight hole even more."

taehyung silently hyperventilated as the younger slid his shorts off. he wanted to keep saying no and stand against dokyeom's harsh actions, but his words were now unwilling to take flight.

i should've listened to jimin.

i should've listened to jimin.

i should've listened to jimin.

i should've listened to jimin—

dokyeom jumped off the elder's exposed body and stumbled back, tensed up. taehyung sat up in confusion before covering his body.

a basketball aggressively dropped to the hardwood floor.

jungkook gave the two a lethal glare that tore their hearts apart with a blinding light. his gaze was accompanied by slow, angry breathing.

"what the fuck?"

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