twenty six.

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a/n: keep in mind that sexual assault is a serious topic and should not be used solely for an entertaining storyline in some fanfic. i personally used it as a coping mechanism for my own experience with r*pe and sexual assault — not for fun. all other triggering mentions upcoming in this fanfic are simply based off my own trauma. just wanted to inform you guys.

and if there are any other concerns, go check out the "before you read" section in the first chapter. thanks.

yoongi parked his mercedes benz in the nearest spot he could find. it was almost a quarter to five a.m and not one of them had gotten a single second of proper sleep.

"this is where taehyung works?" yoongi questioned. he visualized the frozen yogurt shop to look completely differently.

the entrance consisted of every color that could tumble from a box of pastels. the flashing sign was of a dusty pink. the aesthetic was nice, but held a certain shabbiness. it was obvious that the shop had been open for years.

"this is way smaller than i imagined," yoongi commented again.

the loud sound of jimin's teeth chattering rung through jungkook and yoongi's ears. they approached the entrance, shivering in the process. none of them expected the weather to drop that quickly.

the ravenette swung the rusted door open and searched the scaled-down area for taehyung. there wasn't much area to search in general, but it was still worth a try.

the blonde roamed ahead of them and checked around for any leading sign of the blue-haired male. it was very unlikely for taehyung to be there, but the chances weren't zero.

"the tables are so nice," jimin commented.

"thanks," jungkook sniggered. "taehyung and i actually fucked on them a few weeks ago."

yoongi bit his bottom lip to suppress his desired laughter. jungkook was a plain mess.

"and i thought you couldn't get any worse," jimin scoffed.

a middle-aged man with wrinkles boring into his face came out from the back door. his thick, well-groomed beard was a deep black and his forehead had numerous lines.

"i think that's taehyung's manager, seujoon," jungkook muttered into the blonde's ear.

"may i help you?" seujoon asked in confusion. he usually never served customers this late at night.

jungkook's brain stuttered. "oh—"

"yes, actually! you can," jimin interrupted with a sprinkle of enthusiasm. he knew jungkook had a poor way with words, so he thought it was best if he just did the talking.

seujoon leaned back on the spotless counter before raising his brow.

"um," jimin started. "have you happened to speak with taehyung lately? i've been told that your his manager."

seujoon inaudibly sucked his teeth in dismay. he threw the dirty napkin that was previously in his possession in the trash and gazed at the boys with a downcast expression.

"he actually stopped down here yesterday and quit the job. it was so weird and sudden because i thought he loved working here."

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