twenty one.

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it would be a miracle for seokjin not to throw a huge tantrum in the time being.

"jeez, can you keep up?!" he was pushing the shopping cart with an excessive amount of force. "we don't have much time to shop!"

taehyung limped, trailing behind the elder. his ass felt as though it were flash-burned with acid.

"sorry," the blue-haired male muttered. "i've just been feeling sore lately."

thanks, jungkook.

"what happened to you, anyway?" seokjin responded.

"guess i just slept on the wrong side of the bed."

seokjin halted his shopping cart. he basked in the attention of beer and alcohol. his poised hand dropped multiple packs of beer and tequila in his shopping cart.

"taehyung, cross 'drinks' off the list."

the blue-haired male quickly followed seokjin's command to avoid any conflict. the sharp pain in his ass still bothered him, though.

but weirdly, taehyung liked it.

in spite of the fact that it took taehyung a whole night to come to terms with what happened in the froyo shop, there was not one trace of regret left in his mind.

he thought that was the best way one could ever lose their virginity.

so if one of the setbacks from that euphoric experience was simple soreness, then taehyung was more than willing to deal with it.

"look, if you don't hurry up i'm leaving you behind," seokjin affirmed. his quick feet and taehyung's slow pace didn't mesh well together.

the two gradually switched to the snacking aisle. taehyung fiddled with the chip bags before adding them to the shopping cart.

seokjin did a face palm. "really, tae? salt n' vinegar? who the fuck even likes that?"

taehyung ignored his comment. seokjin was always on edge before he hosted his annual parties, so taehyung didn't think much of it.

"namjoon's getting the rest." seokjin looked back at an aching taehyung. "let's go to self-checkout so we don't have to pay for anything."

taehyung snickered at the elder. only seokjin, the product child of two millionaires, would steal cheap snacks from the market.

they made their way to the check-out line. as they patiently waited, seokjin decided to inaugurate a conversation.

"what happened to your ass again?"

"i already told you. i slept in a bad position so now it really hurts," taehyung blankly lied.

"that makes sense," seokjin accepted. "for a second there i almost thought you had some bomb ass dick."

taehyung went quiet.

seokjin turned confused at his lack of responses. "um, for a second there i almost thought you had some bomb ass dick?" he repeated.

taehyung kept his mouth shut.

seokjin gasped. "don't tell me..."

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