twenty four.

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jungkook pointed his index finger to his chest. "yeah, right there will be good."

the tattoo artist nodded, seizing the tattoo machine that connected to the power supply. she started by cleansing jungkook's chest with alcohol wipes.

"what tattoo would you like this time?"

the ravenette unbinded a breath full of stress. he barely even considered what design he wanted while entering the shop.

"just do whatever," he replied. "just make sure it's not corny."

the artist hummed in agreement before swiftly activating her tattoo pen. she placed it on his chest and inked whatever her brain led her to.

although jungkook was no stranger to tattoos, the prickling sensation took him by a blow. he hissed, waiting for his nerves to relax after the first few seconds.

he originally scheduled an appointment with taehyung to pay for his first tattoo, but it was highly evident that wasn't the plan anymore.

as a result, he decided to take advantage of this situation and use taehyung's appointment to get himself a chest tattoo. he had been planning on it, anyway.

the ravenette sunk back into the reclining chair and relaxed as the tattoo ink permanently stained his muscled chest. he took this opportunity to collapse deep inside his mind.

if his thoughts were visible, they'd be an irreversible explosion. they'd be chaotic turns of shock coming together as one person:


the ravenette had yet to forgive taehyung for falsely accusing dokyeom of such gruesome acts. the feeling of disgust and regret of ever meeting the blue-haired male in the first place clung to his stomach.

he grew nauseous thinking of the things taehyung very likely did to his vulnerable best friend.

i should've known he was a whore, jungkook thought.

"you look deep in thought," the artist prattled. she took a brief pause and peeked up at the ravenette. there was a hint of concern on her face, granted that they barely knew each other. "what's with you?"

the sadness was a cloak jungkook simply couldn't let fall to the floor. the memories of taehyung's departure drained through him.

"it's just some dumb drama with this boy i used to mess with," jungkook confirmed. "we weren't meant to be, anyway."

the artist hummed. she resumed in the tracing of his tattoo. "and what happened?"

"i caught him and my best friend together," the ravenette's voice started rising, "and then he lied and said my friend sexually assaulted him. man, fuck him!"

the lady nodded. she brushed her violet hair back and kept her eyes on his chest. "did he admit to lying?"

"no, but—"

"then it's your fault."

"huh?!" jungkook yelled.

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