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taehyung fell back on his small bed. his loud sigh slowly deflated as he gazed at his ceiling. his eyes shifted to the side again & became glazed with a layer of tears. taehyung swallowed back the anger & sadness he felt.

don't cry, tae. shit happens.

it enraged knowing that no man ever recognized his genuine worth. they urged for sex and nothing more.

taehyung stood in front of his mirror, ruffling his well-combed hair. he forced a smile onto his face before stumbling back on his bed.

many thoughts were circling his mind, but he resorted to the prime conclusion that jungkook just wasn't worth it.

it didn't matter how attractive taehyung found him, there were so many other fish in the sea. he was not worth any of taehyung's tears.

his phone then broke the quiet in his room. curiosity sprung inside of him, wondering who would text him during this time of night.

heyyy tae
how's it going?

i've been good. is everything ok at home?

yep i'm fine
i just found this rlly embarrassing picture of u
can i post it (¬‿¬)
nvm i won't
or will iiiii ;)

bruh what
look i'm really tired & i don't have time to deal with ur mood swings so just tell me now. pls

damn calm down lol i'm playin
why r u in such a bad mood ?
i'd expect you to be in a good mood

it's whatever. i'm fine :(
tonight i realized jungkook & i were just gnna be friends. no hard feelings lol

um..u sure?
bc his instagram says different. seems like y'all were having a lottt of fun


yea check his instagram

minie i'm too tired for this

bruhh stop acting clueless you know what i'm talking about
read 3:13 a.m.

taehyung's mind was in a surging confusion. jimin always mentioned the most random things, but this one genuinely left taehyung wondering.

it took him less than two minutes to find jungkook's instagram. he had a large following, unlike taehyung who only had about four-hundred followers.

he rolled his eyes in disgust as he noticed that the vast majority of jungkook's followers were porn stars.

taehyung paused at the sight of jungkook's recent.



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shescreamsjeon tonight was fun.
view all 97 comments
hyuk180 ighttt man i see you 🤩
prod.sxga your underwear looks awfully tight
shescreamsjeon @prod.sxga yea like your sister's pussy
n4mjoon damn you got a new bitch over every weekend...not sayin i'm proud but i'm definitely not disappointed ✊🏼
taehyung95 cute.

a petty laugh escaped taehyung's mouth. interesting.

turns out jungkook had already managed to find someone else to satisfy his needs in the time span of an hour. taehyung was completely over it.

"i don't have time for this, i got work in the morning," he muttered while situating himself in bed.

who gives a shit? not me.

whether the picture left taehyung uncomfortable or not, he was grateful jimin brought it to his attention. if he continued messing around with jungkook, the outcome would've been a train wreck.

it seemed taehyung had dodged a bullet.

he felt tired. the more his eyes fell heavier, the more his thoughts about jungkook became nonsense.

taehyung closed his eyes, dragging himself into the oblivion of sleep.

but little did the male know, all his dreams would consist of only one person.

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