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"jiwon, can we talk for a little bit?"

jungkook furnished jiwon with an unsettling expression before the brown-haired male lost his grip on the basketball and let it drop to the ground. he sat next to the ravenette, curious.

"yeah, what's up?"

"it's about that taehyung dude we met a few days ago," jungkook confirmed. "we need to talk about him."

jiwon almost instantly cried out in alarm. "wait, does he have herpes?! i knew i should've asked!"

"what are you even talking about?" jungkook complained. he was stricken with annoyance at how quickly the brown-haired male failed at listening to him. "just hear me out."

he nodded slowly.

the ravenette hunched his back with his hands intertwined, explaining his previous connection to taehyung. he was fully intent on leaving out little to no details but grew ashamed at the mentioning of how extensively he damaged their relationship.

jungkook caught a change of expression on jiwon's face as he elaborated more on his history with taehyung. it was nearly impossible for the brown-haired male not to take the news lightly, but it had to be done.

"yeah so, that's my business with taehyung," the ravenette concluded. he wiped the post-practice sweat off his forehead, internally begging for a careless reaction from jiwon. "i'm really sorry if this gets in the middle of your relationship with him, but i just needed to tell you."

to his surprise, jiwon let loose a laugh.

"relationship? taehyung and i only met once and neither of us expected things to take off."

"wait, so you never liked him?" the ravenette inquired.

"not at all, we only had a few conversations," jiwon confessed. "i'm kind of bummed because he was pretty hot, but i don't really care. you can have him, bro."

jungkook triumphantly celebrated in his head, yet appeared nonchalant to the other. whether his feelings for taehyung still lingered or not, he could not shoulder the burden of hiding any information from jiwon any longer.

"i-i never said that i wanted him, you can have him!" the ravenette exclaimed. sadness cast upon his mood as he was struck with reality. "it's not like i could have him, anyway."

"what?! anyone would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend!" jiwon exclaimed.

"hyung, did you even listen to a word i said about why things ended between taehyung and i?" jungkook questioned. "i was the one who fucked things up."

jiwon light-heartedly punched jungkook in the shoulder, urging for him to listen to the moronic words spewing out of his mouth.

"you do know change exists, right?"

the ravenette became tongue-tied. the idea of taehyung accepting him due to his change in maturity and mindset consistently dithered in the back of his head, but it was not for him to determine. it never had been.

"how can i know that i've changed?"

jiwon stretched over the bench, sliding his duffel bag into his possession. he threw the padded straps over his shoulders before rising up in preparation to depart from the gym.

"that's for taehyung to determine."

jungkook sighed.

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