thirty five.

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taehyung stumbled into the nearest room as jiwon swung the door open to let jungkook in. his middling ears enabled him to hear a small exchange of chatter between them.

"please just get your sneakers and go, please just get your sneakers and go, please just get your sneakers and go," the blue-haired male muttered in a nervous disposal. he tended to find comfort in whispering ideal phrases to himself.

his twitching hands quickly searched his pockets for his phone. a broken gasp was let out by him once the device almost slipped out of his hands.

a feeling of slight relief sat in the pit of his stomach as he scrolled through the messages app for jimin's contact.


what happened now


girl what

okay so
i was hanging with jiwon &
we were doing pretty well
then he told me his teammate
was coming over to pick some shoes up

i knew you were crazy but i didn't
think it was this bad....
taehyung please go outside and
touch some fucking grass


wait if ur being serious send me
some pictures so i can bully him
LMAO what if got ten times hotter

he probably did :(

even yoongi doesn't know what
he looks he completely
ghosted everyone after u stopped
talking to him

ahhh whatever there's no point in
mentioning that now
i just need to find a way to escape
without him seeing me PLS

just stay in there until he leaves..

ur right
ur right
oki i'll give u updates

just see if u can send pictures
so i can make fun of him god bless

the blue-haired male dimmed the bathroom lights before sliding down the battered and chipped wall. a discern of nervousness rippled through him as jungkook's voice grew more and more recognizable.

his voice got way deeper...

a sensation of butterflies fluttered through his stomach, listening to the ravenette's resonant chuckle. regardless of how distanced the two were, jungkook's laugh never failed to have an impact on taehyung.

the blue-haired male sighed in relief. "okay, all i need to do is hide in here—"

a repeated knock sounded on the bathroom door. "hey, tae! what are you doing in there? the lights aren't even on," jiwon announced.


a fear-mongering feeling overran taehyung's state of mind as his eyes widened in terror. his thought process became blank before his lips began quivering.

"w-what?" the blue-haired male rustled. he made his voice a few octaves higher in hopes of coming off as unrecognizable to jungkook.

"c'mon, why are you being shy? jungkook doesn't bite."


taehyung was well within jurisdiction to pass out right then and there, but he felt as though the best decision was to simply face his demons. despite the fact it was easier said than done, there was no aim in dreading such a horrid experience when it could easily be dealt with on the spot.

he grasped onto the sink as support in lifting himself up, soon standing in front of the door. he swallowed down the lump of fear in his throat before swinging the door open.

it was in that exact moment that the fear-produced lump grew right back in an instant.

jungkook's tall figure almost cast a shadow over the blue-haired male. his arms were mantled with a variety of dark tattoos that were not there previously, accompanied with a fair share of silver rings on his veiny fingers which complimented his skin complexion.

taehyung tugged down his sweater sleeves to mask his trembling hands. he kept a neutral expression on his face, and to his surprise, the ravenette reciprocated the same action.

"tae, this is jungkook. he's my teammate who usually crashes here when he doesn't feel like going home," jiwon informed. "you guys know each other?"


jungkook stuffed his hands in his sweat pockets before wetting his bottom lip with his tongue.

the blue-haired male internally shrieked. when did he get a fucking tongue piercing—

"no," the ravenette intervened. "we don't know each other."

jiwon wrapped his left arm around the blue-haired male, jerking them within close proximity of each other. "this is my cutie pie. right, tae?"

the aforementioned peered up at jungkook in shame. the ravenette chewed his inner cheek with a prominent vein found on his forehead.

he deeply chuckled. "you guys are a great match."

"jungkook, would you mind staying here for a bit?" jiwon grinned at the two males accompanying him. "i'm going to buy a few snacks from the store and i don't want tae to be left alone."

the blue-haired male transitioned into a panic mode. "no! i can just come with y—"

"i'll keep him company," the ravenette spoke. "no worries."

"thanks!" the brown-haired male ambled to his coat rack and retrieved his sportswear jacket. he flashed the two a sincere smile before departing from his apartment. "tae, behave."

the slamming of the door subjected taehyung to a feeling of tension. he fiddled with his slender fingers concealed by his sleeves.

"w-why are you staring at me?" taehyung muttered. he prayed to the gods observing above that his steaming blush was not visible.

with the smug expression settled on the ravenette's face, taehyung was operating under the assumption that he was in deep shit.

jungkook serenely lifted up the elder's chin.

"you must have a type, huh?"

happy birthday to my baby dean !!!

and to me...i guess -_-

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