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taehyung sat in a criss-cross apple sauce position, peacefully drinking his macchiato. his eyes were glued to the television as he watched a serial killer documentary.

yesterday night was eventful. it took two shots of wine to gain him the courage of texting jungkook first. that spark of passion led an interesting conversation between the two for three whole hours. at first, jungkook suggested they facetime, but the fear in taehyung's chest influenced him to disagree.

the call ended with taehyung being asked to come over jungkook's house later tonight. the blue-haired male agreed with no hesitation.

but overall, today was a peaceful day. random sounds came sailing in the breeze. taehyung had classical music on with nothing but stuffed animals for company. it was his only day off for the rest of the week, so he decided to take advantage of this peace and quiet.

it was until his phone started ringing.

taehyung exhaled his short puffs. "yes, jimin?"

"bitch, why aren't you answering your phone?"

taehyung put his phone on speaker and resumed his show. "no reason."

jimin gulped down the annoyance that was boiling up inside him. he knew taehyung avoided him every time something out of the norm happened. "taehyung, what happened?" he sighed.

"what? nothing—"


taehyung's stomach knotted up in anxiety. he wasn't ready to come to terms with the actions he made prior.

"i, uh, texted jungkook yesterday. i'm going over his house tonight."

there was a small moment of complete silence. taehyung feared that jimin was against his actions until he heard an excited scream project loudly from his phone.

"taehyung, i'm so fucking happy for you! oh my god, it's about time you had sex. okay, i have a bunch condom suggesti—"

the blue-haired male raised an eyebrow in confusion. he wasn't planning on losing his virginity, or doing anything sexual in general. what the hell was jimin yapping about?

"w-well, i don't plan on doing anything like that with him. i just thought we'd eat dinner and get to know each other better."

jimin laughed at his best friend. "tae, really? you think a hot ass man like that only wants to 'get to know you?' he's obviously only looking for sex, babe."


taehyung's shoulders slump and his eyes cast down in a disappointed gaze. did jimin seriously just say that?

he hated to admit it, but it was hard for him to accept truthful words. whether jimin was being genuine or not, the statement truly cut deep. taehyung's mouth was set in a pout as he listened to the other male blabber to him.

"um, i need to go. i'll call you later." taehyung suddenly ended the call before jimin could continue ranting to him. he just needed space to process what his friend had just said.

i fucking hate being sensitive.

he then questioned his whole interaction with jungkook. was that all he saw taehyung as, just another person to fuck and never speak to again?

taehyung turned off the television and dashed to his room to pick an outfit for tonight.

he was going to find out today.

after hours of overthinking, looking for good clothes and taking a brief lunch break, taehyung checked himself out in the mirror.

he threw on an oversized sweater with ripped, black jeans. he applied multiple coats of mascara and blush while he was at it.

he debated putting on lip gloss. "that might be too much for just the first date. yeah, i'll save it for next time," he uttered to himself.

this didn't seem fair. jungkook was good-looking, like so good-looking. all he needed to do was expose his tattooed arms and taehyung would already be head over heels for him.

taehyung, on the other hand, spent hours of effort to appear at least okay-looking. there was no way in hell that should've been allowed.

the blue-haired male left his apartment, entering the uber he ordered.

he gazed straight ahead at the darkening sky as the car cruised down the street. jungkook's house was only fifteen minutes away, so distance wasn't a liability.

it was when the uber reached its destination, taehyung realized his hands were trembling uncontrollably. why am i so nervous?

he thanked the uber and walked towards the medium-sized, brick house.

a bad taste filled taehyung's mouth. he faced the front door.

god, just fucking knock.

his legs began shaking so consistently he became afraid that he'd trip. why was it so hard to complete one simple task?

before he could knock, the door swung open. taehyung looked up at a messy-haired jungkook in shock.

"oh, um, okay. hi. sorry for standing outside your house like a creep."

a laugh burst from jungkook's lips. smoke particles danced in on the inbound breeze. the distinct smell drifted out the window stronger than one would think. it was obvious jungkook smoked weed before taehyung arrived.

taehyung awkwardly rubbed his shoulder. i really should've brought my inhaler with me.

jungkook used his index finger to lift up taehyung's chin. the two made eye contact.

"welcome, baby."

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