thirteen (m).

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*smut warning*

"isn't that your little boyfriend?" taehyung's manager pointed toward the entrance.

jungkook entered the frozen yogurt shop, clutching a brown paper bag intended to taehyung's lunch. he always brought taehyung lunch on thursdays as a humble offering.

taehyung felt giddy with excitement. ever since jungkook left those chocolates and flowers for him, things sparked differently between them.

"hi, kook!" taehyung stepped out from the counter to come in closer contact with him. he brought jungkook into his warm embrace for a hug.

taehyung intertwined their fingers. "you look really cute today."

his weirdly kind words rocked jungkook's mind. jungkook was used to taehyung bullying him whenever he had the chance, so this new persona put him in a surging confusion.

"who are you, and what have you done with my taehyung?" jungkook nervously laughed.

"oh, shut up." taehyung looked down at his shoes. "i might have a little surprise for you."

"is it your strawberry milkshake again? look, it was okay but you could've added more—"

"just shut up."

jungkook pursed his lips together to stay silent. taehyung was never this softhearted, so he refused to ruin the moment.

taehyung pleaded for his boss to let him on his lunch break since there were a lack of customers, and seujoon luckily agreed.

he gripped jungkook's arm and pulled him forward. before they knew it, the two were found standing in the janitor's closet. jungkook genuinely had no clue what was happening.

taehyung locked the heavy iron-bound door.

jungkook's eyes enlarged. "tae, what are you doin—"

he brushed his tender lips against jungkook's neck. a wave of pleasure ran through his body.

taehyung was very obviously avoiding his lips. he bit jungkook's earlobe, softly, with the right hint of passion.

in response, jungkook cupped taehyung's face in his hands and finally gave the male what he desired. their bodies were pressed together, and all they could feel was warmth.

jungkook felt the small male's hands shake against his waist. "relax, baby. i've got you," he whispered.

taehyung motioned for jungkook to sit back on the stool. he crawled onto his lap and untied his sweatpants.

jungkook put his hand on taehyung's shoulder, silencing his heavy breaths. "are you sure?"

there was a small hum in response. taehyung fell down on his knees, yanking the tall male's sweatpants down. his strong thighs were fully exposed.

difficult emotions flowed inside of taehyung. he gazed at jungkook's black boxers with anxiety present in his face. the most he had done was kiss a boy on the cheek. this was new to him.

jungkook sensed the male's uneasiness. "we don't have to—"

"no, i want to, you deserve it." taehyung bit the inside of his cheek. "j-just pull your boxers down for me."

jungkook inclined. he stood himself up a bit, leisurely sliding his briefs down. his erection popped out in glory.

holy fuck.

taehyung let out a whimper. he should've realized from jungkook's usual bulge in his sweats that he would be big. bigger than usual.

hot air puffed out jungkook's mouth. "feels good to let it out."

taehyung rolled his eyes at the smug look on his face. jungkook knew his dick was big and taehyung wasn't too fond of his cockiness.

jungkook engulfed their hands. the smaller male was trembling.

"if you want to stop, we will stop. do not feel pressured," jungkook assured.

"s-stop being all sweet. you're ruining the moment."

taehyung finally let his mouth gently sink onto jungkook's tip. he used his moving hand to pump the solid hard member.

the tension he felt slowly melted as he heard jungkook groan in pleasure. it was a good sign, so he decided to keep going with the flow.

he ran his long tongue along the slit, giving the pre-cum a taste. the saltiness almost led him to gag, but he couldn't embarrass himself.

taehyung's tongue circled around the member like a lollipop. he bobbed his head up and down, letting out small whines. his fingers teasingly rubbed jungkook's balls.

"jesus, baby," jungkook let out. the satisfaction was immense.

the compacted room was filled with wet sounds of taehyung moving up and down jungkook's dick. it would be a miracle for seujoon not to suspect anything.

taehyung was taken by surprise when jungkook thrusted into his mouth. he was turned on by how quickly jungkook gained dominance.

he stayed in place while jungkook rammed his member into his mouth. occasional gasps escaped his mouth with the fast rate jungkook was going, but taehyung oddly enjoyed it.

jungkook bit his lip at the sight of the other's red face. taehyung's eyes were watering.

"fuck," jungkook moaned. taehyung clutched his thighs, taking in every inch there was.

jungkook sat in shock. there was no fucking way this dude was a virgin.

after a few minutes, his stomach began tightening. he knew he was getting close to his orgasm. his hand gripped onto taehyung's hair, lightly smacking the fucked-out boy's cheek.

"stick your tongue out," he ordered.

taehyung complied with ease. jungkook stroked his dick for a few seconds, soon releasing thick strings of cum on taehyung's tongue. jungkook gripped the chair before eventually allowing himself to fully splutter in the other's mouth.

"goddamn," he heavily breathed as he witnessed taehyung swallow his release with no hesitation.

jungkook carried taehyung to his lap, smashing their lips together. he let the saltiness of his own cum invade his mouth.

afterwards, a comfortable silence grew in the room. they cast each other glances.

taehyung laid his head on jungkook's shoulder. "that was fun." he made sure to avoid eye contact. "...pretty fun."

"there's no way you haven't done that before."

taehyung giggled. "i promise i haven't. i guess it was just in the moment."

jungkook gently put taehyung down. he pulled up his pants. "that was amazing, tae."

"i mean, i did alright. it's the least i could do after you gave me those flowers and chocolates."

jungkook rose a brow. "what flowers and chocolates?"

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