twenty three.

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jungkook was a ticking time bomb. a prominent vein throbbed in his temple and his face contorted to an enraged expression. the iced cold in his heart was now set fire.

dokyeom put his arms behind his head. "look man, i didn't do anything—"

"you have ten seconds to explain before i rip your fucking head off."

taehyung shook at his strident voice.

dokyeom started trembling as though his brain was being shredded from the inside.

"i-i didn't do anything, i swear!" he ran up to jungkook as a form of protection. "he wouldn't let me go and i felt so trapped!"

taehyung's eyes widened. "excuse me?"

jungkook's glances switched from a distraught dokyeom to a stunned taehyung.

"dok, you really expect me to believe that bullshit?" he bellowed. he didn't find anything humorous in the slightest.

taehyung snatched a blanket near him to cover his naked body. it was an uncomfortable thought knowing the two men could easily have access to his body.

he didn't want to start crying, but he gained so much sensitivity in moments like this. his eyes began brimming with tears. "jungkook, don't believe him. he's been hurting me for weeks now."

"please," he whispered.

jungkook leaned back on the white wall. the two others were muted as they awaited a response from him.

"dokyeom, you know how fucking badly i want to kill you right now?"

"what?! how is it my fault?" dokyeom threw his arms up in the air. "taehyung is lying straight to your face! he told me that if i didn't fuck him he'd ruin my friendship with you!"

dokyeom didn't stop there. "look at his fake fucking tears. you're really going to allow yourself to be manipulated that easily?"

by the end of his statement, taehyung thoughts and feelings became so compacted. dokyeom's foolish words made him so frustrated.

taehyung stood up, letting out a pointless huff. he gave dokyeom a cold stare as if his anger could melt it. "jungkook?"

"mhm?" jungkook replied.

"dokyeom has sexually assaulted me twice. once at your basketball game, and twice a few minutes ago."

dokyeom rolled his eyes. "do you seriously believe those lies?"

"h-he has also taken nude pictures of me without my consent and even physically hurt me. i had bruises from his hits, but they faded a while ago. i wanted to tell you sooner."

jungkook grunted.

dokyeom then flipped a switch inside his brain, forcing himself to sob. "i-i'm done, man. i'm done!"

jungkook tilted his head, licking the inner corner of his cheek. "what are you done with?"

"i'm being accused for something i wouldn't even fucking think about doing," dokyeom paused to recover his breath. "we're best friends, kook! why the hell would i ever do something like that to you?"

the frustration within taehyung maximized. "jesus."

"fuck, man." dokyeom cried out unceasingly, hands clutching on the chair. his howls of sadness worsened. he was helpless.

"any last words?" jungkook blankly spoke out.

dokyeom sniffled. "i know you won't believe me but i love you, man. we've been childhood best friends for over five years."

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