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"the cheesecake factory!"

excitement surged through taehyung's body like strong lightning. he dashed into the large department like his life depended on it.

jungkook almost found himself blushing at the elder's reaction. as expected, hearing taehyung squeal over some cheesecake was like music to his ears.

the waitress led them to the nearest table and provided them with two menus. there was a variety of luxurious desserts, primarily cheesecakes, and taehyung didn't know where to begin.

"these are all so expensive..."

jungkook sat back in his chair as if he was relaxing in a sauna. "yup, choose whatever you'd like."

"but i can't—"


the blue-haired male suspired in defeat. he wanted to order everything off the menu, but the desserts were overpriced and he didn't see jungkook as some walking bank. this was more stressful than it should've been.

taehyung resorted to ordering coffee-flavored cheesecake and lemon macaroons. he begged jungkook to order something as well so he wouldn't be left alone in the darkness, but jungkook declined the offer. this "date" was dedicated to taehyung, and taehyung only.

taehyung felt a bitter taste fill his mouth.

great. now he's gonna watch me eat and think i'm fat.

jungkook put taehyung's pessimistic thoughts to a stop by sparking yet another conversation.

"so, you're never gonna tell me why the hell you locked yourself in that room?"

"maybe i will, maybe i won't," taehyung replied.

truth being told, taehyung couldn't handle the fact that dokyeom's words and actions caused his mental health to deteriorate as a whole.

what dokyeom did during that basketball game was permanently engraved into taehyung's brain.

all he felt was sadness; every emotion was pushed from his being. the mere fact that he was helpless in the moment made him fall into a deep depression, resulting into him isolating himself from the others for days.

he felt bitter, unforgiving and painful, but the real question was...

should i tell jungkook?

what if i ruin their friendship?

what if jungkook doesn't believe me?


no, that wouldn't happen.

i hope not.

jungkook shattered taehyung's thoughts by kicking his foot underneath the table. "well, at least tell me what you did for those two days you wouldn't speak to me."

"nothing much. all i did sleep, eat, and facetime jimin," the blue-haired male murmured.

"and who exactly is this jimin guy?" jungkook inquired. other than his own, any male's name that left taehyung's mouth always left him defensive without reasoning.

"he's my best friend." taehyung informed. jimin was more of his only friend, but nobody needed to know that. "we've known each other for three years but we haven't met yet because he lives all the way in changwon. hopefully we can meet soon!"

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