twenty nine.

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"baby!" jimin exclaimed as he plunged towards a drowsy taehyung. he situated himself towards the edge of the bed to avoid putting any unnecessary pressure on the younger.

a small smile etched across the blue-haired male's face. he had just came back to consciousness, meaning his thoughts were scattered all over the place.

there was no memory engraved into his brain that indicated why he laid on that hospital bed.

"jimin, is that you?"

the blonde scooted, softly wrapping his arms around the younger. he steered away from any spots that would hurt taehyung.

"it is me."

taehyung noticed the several needles pierced to his arm and scanned around the room for a doctor. "is this a dream?"

he slowly raised his hand to make direct contact with jimin's face. the blonde grinned  as taehyung pinched at his right cheek.

"you're real?"

jimin softly laughed. it was quite concerning how disconnected taehyung was with reality, but it was expected since he had just regained consciousness.

he lowered the blue-haired male's hand and fully covered him with the blanket. it was crystal clear that taehyung had lost possession of most of his recent memories.

although they were bound to come back, jimin couldn't help but endlessly worry.

he bit the skin inside his cheek. "tae, what do you remember?"

a hint of cluelessness brimmed the eyes of taehyung. he wiped the remains of sleep from his face and sat up to properly face jimin.

"i know that you're my best friend who lives across the country and i know where i am."

"do you know why you're here, taehyung?"

the blue-haired male scowled at the blonde. it bothered him how jimin conversed with him as if he had the mental capacity of a preschooler.

"not really."

jimin sighed. "do you know who jungkook is?"

"of course i know kook, he's my—"

taehyung's breath hitched.

all of his recent memories rushed back to his mind before his face registered with blatant disappointment.

"oh, my god."

taehyung felt his brain shred from the insides as the memories came back home. several emotions flowed from every pore of his body.

a pained sob came so raw it even shocked himself. "i'm sorry. i-i'm sorry we had to meet this way."

the blonde clutched onto taehyung's hospital gown, pulling him into his welcoming embrace. the younger buried his bedhead in the blonde's shoulder as jimin's sweater absorbed the tears.

"i was just so lonely," taehyung sniffled. "i was in too much pain. it was too much. i was so selfish—"

"don't ever say that," jimin silenced him. "you were not selfish. you were alone and had nobody to turn to. i was the selfish one."

he ruffled taehyung's faded blue hair before planting a small kiss on his forehead. "i love you so much."

"you shouldn't," the younger replied.

he felt highly embarrassed being the center of attention when it came to a situation like this, but the endless support he received from his best friend compensated for it.

"i hope jungkook isn't here," taehyung added. "i never wanna see him again."

jimin immediately looked down at his legs. fiddling with his small fingers, a nervous grin found its way on his face. "about that..."

jungkook roamed into the compacted room after hearing the sound of his name. he stood straight in the middle of the room, stuffing his awkwardly positioned hands in his pocket.

"hey, taehyung."

the blue-haired male deflected his attention away from jungkook and faced the eldest.

"i need to talk to jungkook privately, if you don't mind."

jimin scoffed. "i do mind! i tell you all the drama that goes on with my life but as soon as this happens—"

"i'll tell you everything afterwards," taehyung assured. "i just need a few minutes alone with him."

jimin put a thumbs up, giving taehyung the smallest glimmer of hope that things would be alright. he ambled his way to the exit and disappeared within seconds.

the ravenette sat down on the edge of the bed, replacing the blonde's previous spot. "i think i should speak first."

"yes, but please stand up. i don't want you sitting on my bed."

"note taken." jungkook nervously chuckled. he stood before the elder as his brain frantically searched for the right statements to voice.

"i'm really sorry," he began. "nothing i say can equate to the pain i put you through and i'm such a fucking dumbass for that."

the elder nodded.

"i know it's gonna take a lot for me to make it up to you, but i promise i will. i do anything i possibly can to make up for my poor actions."

taehyung stifled his laughter with his hand.



"you mean absolutely fucking nothing to me."

jungkook felt a sharp stabbing to his chest.

he breathed out in dismay. he took his bond with taehyung for granted, and in his naivety he thought things would remain unbreakable.

no matter what he said, he would relatively push taehyung even farther away.

"do you really mean that?" he inquired.

"yes. i mean that more than anything i've ever said to you before."

sorrow rose like bile into jungkook's mouth. the truth inevitably lied ahead before their conversation, but it was a stab to the heart to witness taehyung state it so bluntly.

"i understand. i do deserve everything that's coming at me," the ravenette agreed.

he prepared himself to return back to the hospital's lobby. there was nothing more needed to be said between the two of them.

"is that all?" he finalized.

taehyung reached for jungkook's chin as he surprisingly pulled him closer. the two shared each other's mingling breaths before the blue-haired male gazed into his desperate eyes.

jungkook gasped at the sudden feeling of a hand cracking against his face, snapping his head back with the strong force of its blow.

just below his eye was a minor cut where the elder's long nails had caught him. the slap was not empty but rather consisting of spite and anger. the passion behind it explained the red welts left by him.

the ravenette shut his eyes with immense embarrassment. it was expected.

taehyung gritted his teeth.

"and i hope you fucking burn in hell, right next to dokyeom."

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