twenty seven.

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tw // suicide references

jimin munched on his beef jerky as he leaned back on the fogged up car window. he directed his attention onto jungkook.

"let's stop at the convenience store."

jungkook groaned. they had already stopped at a variation of different places solely for the purpose of jimin getting more snacks.

"again?" he queried. "we have thirty minutes left till we reach the prison. i think you'll live."

jimin gritted his teeth at the younger's response. he truly disliked jungkook in all forms possible. the ravenette was intrusive, a bit insensitive, yet it was clear to be seen that those mannerisms were due to a source of ignorance and bad influence.

perhaps if dokyeom never entered jungkook's life, he could've turned out way better.

the blonde responded back with confident authority. "the store is only three minutes away from here, why are you being so difficult? i just want some fucking cotton candy!"

"i'm not even the one driving! ask yoongi!" jungkook aggressively slammed his hand on the window.

if he knew beforehand that jimin had the same mindset as some snobby child, he would've just left him at the froyo shop in the first place.

"just shut up." jungkook pleaded. "they probably have a few vending machines at the prison. i'm sure you'll live."

jimin whined in stubbornness. he always felt his chest close up when he didn't get his way.

"jungkook's right," yoongi interfered. his heart almost fell out of his chest when he glanced back at a frowning jimin. "i'm sorry, but it's not worth the stop. we're almost there."

"alright, fine. whatever!" the blonde yelled out. he sat back in his original position and looked down at the matted carpets. since nobody was listening, he wasn't going to talk in general.

it was after ten minutes that yoongi stopped at a red light. jungkook took advantage of the opportunity to ask jimin a few well thought-out questions.


jimin averted his eyes from him and dramatically turned away, completely shunning jungkook's presence.

jungkook squinted his eyes in confusion at jimin's act. he could never avoid the elder's intolerable attitude.

he allowed himself to give in. "fine. if you stop ignoring me, i'll buy you all the snacks you want when we're driving back home."

jimin stared blankly at the ravenette. his arms were folded tightly over his freshly-iron shirt. for such a frail male, he was so bold. "what do you even want?"

"how did you even break into my house?" jungkook inquired. yoongi proceeded to drive as the light transitioned to a bright green.

"you're too silly." the blonde giggled at his question. "if i tell you then i won't be able to break in anymore."

"what?" jungkook sighed. he wished jimin could engage with him in an understanding manner, but he was just too hardheaded. a small display of empathy would be nice.

but then again, jungkook couldn't blame him. he sent jimin's life in an ongoing spiral due to his poor actions. if anything, he deserved it.

yoongi found himself swerving into a deserted area. the car traveled with instability at its contact with the rocky road.

"i think we're here."

the eldest drove down the facility's entrance, lowering down the car window. his white hair flew in a heavenly wind as he grew paralyzed at the location's appearance. upon the walls written in stone were vulgar words that seemed sinful to utter out loud.

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